Reading as Cultural Factor of Talent Development

Abstract The modernization of Russian education implies the trend for its humanization and humanitarization, which determines the significance of the cultural approach to the study of pedagogical problems. The purpose of this article is to describe the role of the culturological factor that promotes the revealing of children talents and creates the prerequisites for their […]

Determination of Informative Frequency Ranges for Buried Pipeline Location Control

Abstract ANSYS finite element analysis program was selected for calculations. This program obtained a high degree of verification. The method of theoretical research based on harmonic analysis has been determined. The harmonic analysis is designed to solve the equations of motion in the case of steady-state oscillatory processes (forced oscillations). Three methods are available in […]

Energy Efficiency of Heating System Phased Introduction of Automatic Control Unit

Abstract The introduction of automated accounting and control units (ACU) located directly in a heated building, in addition to comfortable conditions creation inside the premises, leads to the reduction of thermal energy consumption. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the increase of a heat supply system energy efficiency with the introduction of automatic […]

Educational Internet Resources in Turkic Languages

Abstract Internet technology has become an integral part of a modern person’s life. Obtaining the necessary information from online resources and using them for communication expand the horizons of man, provide various opportunities for learning languages. However, there is the impact of the Internet on the functioning and development of the literary language. This article […]

The Use of the Adapted Task of Steiner Problem for the Solution of Optimization Problems of Realization of Industrial Enterprises Production

Abstract An adapted method for solution of the Steiner problem, in order to define the most optimal location of additional customer support depots, for selling industrial products, is considered in the article. The applicability of Steiner problem in the spectrum of solving the issues of products realization, with using additional coefficients of possible variations of […]

Unified Approach to Software Development of Automated Control Systems for Oil Equipment

Abstract We proposed a decision to reduce the volume of works performed when developing the automated process control systems for oil production, the complexity of which is due to a large number of parameters and data, as well as their diverse interrelationship. The implemented pattern-software design is based on the uniformity of algorithms for processing […]

Trends of the Tax Control of Transactions between Related Parties in the Russian Federation

Abstract The Russian economy is a part of the world economy, and many business entities carry out activities both in Russia and abroad with the use of various international structures: holdings and transnational corporations. Development of such structures within the context of competition between tax systems of different countries, can lead to significant losses for […]

The Smuggling of Cash and (Or) Monetary Instruments: Is the Sentence Final and Binding?

Abstract Being a part of the internal and foreign policy of a state, the customs policy is formed under the influence of the customs affairs, their place and role in solving the actual problems of foreign trade regulation, embraces the strategy of domestic and international events related to trade relations. A well-thought-out and purposeful customs […]