Abstract The use of DNA finger printing technology in the area of crime investigation and individual identification has gained tremendous importance. These are several techniques like AFLP, RFLP, RAPD, VNTR and others which will help to analyze the variations among the test samples based upon the type of fragmentation seen and the band pattern observed. […]
Abstract DNA finger printing is a powerful technology for individualization of a person. In Forensic Science it has been used since three decades giving absolute results. In present study an effort has been made to extract and isolate DNA from exhibits like chewing gum and socks that were left at assumed crime scene and consequently […]
Abstract Glycerol 3 phosphate acyltransferase (GPAT, EC: is recognized as a key player of cellular acyltransferase metabolism. It catalyzes the chain initiation step leading to triglyceride biosynthesis. The protein sequence of GPAT was retrieved from GenBank. However, a substantial and well defined structure is not available for this sequence. The 3D structure of GPAT […]
Abstract Nemaline myopathy is a disease that primarily affects skeletal muscles due to mutations in the Actin Protein family. The purpose of analysis was to determine the potential regions on the ACTA1 protein that have maximum probability of mutations. The identification of the disordered regions was performed using various tools like DISEMBL, GLOB PLOT and […]
Abstract The nature and magnitude of gene action were studies in L x T analysis comprising 6 lines and 10 testers for seed cotton yield and its quality traits. The magnitude of gca and sca variances revealed that pre-dominance of additive as well as non-additive gene action was important for inheritance of seed cotton yield […]