An analysis of the inhibitory effect of various fruit extracts on the Human Pathogenic Bacteria

Author Name(s): D Sagarika*
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Some of the fruits and vegetables that are used in our daily life have proved to be effective in treating the microbial and fungal infections. The current work was done to identify the anti microbial capacity of selected fruit extracts so as to design a more simple and economic means to treat these infections. The selected fruit samples were collected and various extracts such as Water, Ethanol, Chloroform and Methanol samples were made whose efficacy was tested against the selected bacteria Staphylococcus, Edwerdilla, Bacillus and Pseudomonas which are responsible for causing diseases like skin infections, typhoid, throat infections and allergies. The study proved that the samples of Pomegranate peel, Apple peel, Pomegranate seed crude and Tomato peel extracts had inhibitory effect against the test bacteria. This study can be further extended to test the range of organisms against which the samples have the inhibitory property. This effect can be implemented in developing food based therapies in treating infections.


Plant products such as fruits, leaves, stems, seeds, and peels are much of nutritive value. Plants, fruits and their extracts play a major role in preparation of ayurvedic medicines as well as cosmetics. These naturally possess quality of curing manifestations with out any side effects. Especially fruit peels are used in the treatment of skin infections, Urine infections, cancer, throat infections and allergies that are caused by pathogenic bacteria. Fruit peels possess a quality of anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal properties.
PUNICA GRANATUM (pomegranate) provides 16% of an adult’s daily vitamin ‘c’. It is a good source of vitamin B5 pantothenic acid, Potassium, and natural phenols such as ellagitannis and flavonoids compounds. These fruit contains much potential health
Benefits, it may be effective in reducing the heart diseases risk factors, macrophage oxidative status, and foam cell formation. Metabolites of pomegranate juice
ellagitannus localize specifically in the prostate gland, colon, and intestinal tissues of mice. This indicates the use of pomegranate juice in treating several diseases.
MALUS DOMESTICA (Apple) is obtained from medium sized tree belonging to the ROSACEACE family. They are rich in vitamin ‘c’ and beta-carotene. Vitamin c is a powerful natural anti-oxidant. Apples are rich in anti-oxidants, phyto nutrients, flavonoids and poly phenols. However the fruit, contains no saturated fats and cholesterol, but is rich in dietary fiber, which helps prevent the absorption of dietary LDL cholesterol in the gut.
Each of the products from nature has its own healing power if traced accurately, and treated appropriately. The established truth is that nearly all of the fruits have some healing power, which is released on their consumption. Consumption of different types of fruits may cure many common aliments. The peels of pomegranate, apple, tomato, have a very good inhibitory action against human pathogens.
The current study was undertaken to demonstrate the anti-microbial property of fruit extracts on common human pathogens whose investigation showed varied results.


The current work was focused to study the medicinal values of abundantly available fruits so as to use them in the field of herbal treatments. The test pathogenic bacteria Staphylococcus, Edwerdilla, Bacillus and Pseudomonas are the most common human pathogens and are responsible for causing various skin infections, allergies, Urinary tract infections etc. All these pathogens showed considerable susceptibility to the tested fruit extracts. Among the tested samples pomegranate extract shows maximum antibacterial activity on staphylococcus 2.0cm and minimuum anti microbial activity was shown by apple choloroform extract 0.9cm on edwerdilla. These results indicate that the naturally available fruit extracts can be employed as the best sources for the tratement of infections caused by the pathogenic bacteria.

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