Dunaliellatertiolecta Microalgae as biological feedstock, for bioethanol production

Author Name(s): *Lalitesh Chaudhary, Priya Pradhan, Nishant K. Soni, Archana Tiwari
Author Email: laltesh.bpr90@gmail.com


The microalgae named Dunaliellatertiolecta, holds a high quantity of sugars such as starch and cellulose due to which it has gained more attention in the biofuel industry. Microalgal extract carbohydrate can be utilized as a source for the output of ethyl alcohol or ethanol. The purpose of the present work is to study, how the sugar extract of marine algae can possibly be used by investigating the usage of Nakaseomycesdelphensisfor ethanol production. With the help of fermentation process the produced ethanol is distilled and measured qualitatively by laboratory model distillation unit and GC chromatography respectively.The measurements will be in comparison with the standard analytical grade ethanol. This data will give us the potential of marine algae in the output of bioethanol.


Ethanol; Fermentation; Carbohydrate Extraction;Yeast; Marine algae, Glucose.


The biotech world would be developed by utilizingsecond generation biomass, the major lignocellulosic-agro-residues in terms of volumes generated such as rice straw, wheat stalk, sugarcane tops &switchgrass, bagasse so the war between Food Vs Fuel will be solving [1]. Microalgae known as third generation feedstock, produce high biomass yields without requiring no additional lands, minimal water use, and mitigate atmospheric CO2 [2] and hold the potential to be cultivated in a containment offshore [3]. Microalgae can convert approximately 6 percent of the total incident radiation, into new biomass [4] By using a technique microalgal sugar are relieved and simply fermented to ethanol using fermentative microorganisms [5]. In the recent past a lot of attention was given to production of bio-ethanol from microalgal feedstock can be taken out to produce fermentable sugars that was estimated approximately 5000–15,000 gal of ethanol/acre/year (46,760–140,290 L/ha)[6]. Productions of bio-ethanol is the aim of present nvestigation. Nakaseomycesdelphensis belong to the Saccharomyces higher level then it might be possible that bio-ethanol productivity much higher than others.Dunaliellatertiolecta microalgae use as a feedstock for bio-ethanol production with Nakaseomycesdelphensis. The screening of microalgae biomass is an eco-friendly and sustainable approach for quantitative and qualitative biofuel production.


Microalgae possesses many good properties to be considered as feedstock for ethanol output. N.delphensisyeast produced 0.31g/g ethanol by using D.tertiolectamicroalgal biomass. Simple acid pretreatment converted the biomass to the polysaccharide and then to monosaccharide sugars. In Acid hydrolysis, percentage of acid and time both are effected on to the reaction; prolonged hydrolysis time might cause monosaccharide‘s decomposition at high acid concentration. 0.5 M HCl and 45 minutes had shown the best result for acid hydrolysis. Extraction of carbohydrate or pretreatment of algae was carried out by acid treatment. After acid hydrolysis 30.0 mg/mL of reducing sugar was retrieved. The factorial design was used to find the factors that were significant, the optimum conditions obtained were: 5.2 pH, 2g sugar and 30◦C that was the best optimum conditions with the predicted response of 0.205 per hour specific growth rate of ethanol production. The outcome revealed that Bio-ethanol was produced by Nakaseomycesdelphensis, and the ethanol yield was 0.31 g ethanol/g residual biomass. The experiment design MINITAB suggests new possibilities and techniques to improve the production of bio-energy by microorganisms. But research and development of microalgae biofuel is still in its infancy. There are also too many technical problems. For example difficulty to find one kind of perfect microalgae with high carbohydrate content that is easy to harvest. There are few of commercial microalgae production companies. There for, Market acceptance is still unclear. Marine microalgae might be more suitable as a renewable energy source for Bio-ethanol production from carbohydrate. And also indicate that the residual biomass of microalgae after biodiesel production could be used for Bio-ethanol fermentation, which may enhance the environmental cultivation possibilities without any competition with food crops. This study can help the industrialists/scientific community to choose the best ethanol producing strain to produce environment friendly bio-ethanol.

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