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Management literature state that management skills in general and emotional intelligence particularly have a determining role in managers’ success in the workplace and considering wide aspects of emotional intelligence and its important position in individual and social life of people, in the management fields in organizational behavior, its role in organizational commitment and improving productivity of organizations’ staff, has been the main subject of many researches. Therefore, this study was conducted aiming to investigate the role of managers’ emotional intelligence on commitment and productivity of staff in Iran University of Medical Sciences.
In order to collected data and information for analysis, questionnaire has been used; Goleman Questionnaire (2005) for evaluating emotional intelligence of managers and Hersey & Goldsmith Questionnaire (1980) for evaluating productivity and finally to evaluate staff’s organizational commitment, Allen & Meyer Questionnaire (2003) was used. The statistical population of this study included 221 staffs and managers of Iran University of Medical Sciences who are working in time period of study (2017) in Iran University of Medical Sciences (N=221). Sample volume in this study is determined based on Morgan table on which basis, sample volume includes 136 people.
The results showed that there is a significant correlation (r=0.378) (P=0.00) between two variables of managers’ emotional intelligence and productivity of human resources in Iran University of Medical Sciences. There is also significant correlation (r=0.232) between two variables of managers’ emotional intelligence and organizational commitment (P<0.05). Therefore, the managers are recommended to notice emotional intelligence to improve organization; whatever they are more careful about it, the staff will show more work commitment and respect for the goals of the organization and the productivity of staff will increase.
One of the most important individual trait is emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence in management is a very modern issue rooted in psychology. Considering wide aspects of emotional intelligence and its important position in individual and social life of people, in the management fields in organizational behavior, its role in organizational commitment and improving productivity of organizations’ staff, has been the main subject of many researches. Management literature states that management skills in general and emotional intelligence particularly have a determining role in managers’ success in the workplace (Rahnavard, Joybar, 2011). High competition among organizations has caused that the managers of organizations welcome any opportunities which is known to cause their progress. Within the past 25 years, a high focus has been on productivity and it has been tried in this case to minimize the limitations existing for staff to achieve more productivity through this (Rezaei, 2014).
Since human resource is considered as the main component and the most important factor in improving and continues promotion of organization and ultimately national productivity, a productive human is required to have productive organizations (Taheri, 2010). The effect of emotional intelligence on productivity may because all aspects of human, emotional, personal and interpersonal, relationship and interpersonal and social self-consciousness skill, have been investigated in providing optimal productivity of the organization and persuading constructive interactions in workplace. It is correct that people’s performance in organizations and workplace is affected by hardware aspects and technical facilities, but dominant social and cultural psychological grounds and aspects on workplace have more determining and effective role (Saatchi, 2012).
Moreover, today, most of managers agree with human resource as the most important capital. Even some of them considers customer’s importance in the second degree because without committed and empowered staffs, no service will be produced to be received by customers. The staffs cannot be behaved inappropriately and asked to behave customers well. The reason of why today the staff have become important to this extent, is that organization is evaluated based on a pace that can provide the need of customers. The sentence “I have to talk to my boss” doesn’t make sense anymore. The customers don’t care who the manager is, the only person who draws the attention of customers is the one who answers the telephone and welcome them, note their order, deliver the good or check their complaints. The customers want excellent and classy services and they want to receive it very soon. Therefore, committed and powerful staffs are required to do these works. Having committed, knowledgeable and loyal staff is the most important success key of the organization. Main priority of each organization should be attracting and maintaining committed and competent staff (Nejati, 2010). Failure in the study means losing efficiency, lack of growth and losing business. the success in competitive world belongs to the organizations which consider committed and loyal staff as their biggest capital. Many of scholars believe that human resource is the only competitive advantage that through appropriate and correct measures, the organizations should activate this potential power and lead them toward the organization. The organizations which lack human resources, cannot achieve their goals, in other words; human resources have a pivotal role to maintain competition in market (Joybar, 2009).
Considering the mentioned cases, the current study tries to answer the question that if managers’ emotional intelligence affects commitment and productivity of Iran University of Medical Sciences?
As the results showed whatever emotional intelligence of managers is more, the rate of productivity in staff as well as organizational commitment increases that according to the findings of the study, there is positive and significant relationship between managers’ emotional intelligence with productivity according to staff and organizational commitment. Other studies showed that this relation can be moderated or mediated by other factors such as trust, job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior. Therefore, in organizational level, the managers and supervisors can affect productivity of staff and organizational commitment through changing each one of these factors and ultimately managers’ emotional intelligence.
Therefore, today the managers and leaders have figured out the importance and role of correct interactions and mutual perception with the staff and others through emotional intelligence and according to the statistics, many of organization have used it. Emotional intelligence has a lot of merits for the organization through self-management and perceiving and controlling others and it increases managers and leaders’ effectiveness and as the result the performance of organization. Organizations are sets of groups that their successful interactions contribute organizational flexibility and adaptability and applying changes in the organization. Therefore, to promote organization’s effectiveness, the organizations use soft skills (based on emotions). The organization can get help of emotional skills in this field to plan some programs for developing the staff and promote people’s performance and as the result the effectiveness of organization.
1. Since managers’ emotional intelligence affects many organizational components, the manager of study organization can strengthen behavioral and organizational components in Tehran University of Medical Sciences through improving emotional intelligence.
2. Since the results showed that mangers’ emotional intelligence is very effective on the productivity of human resources, therefore, using equal procedures for staff, the managers can make a relationship to increase the productivity of human resources in the organization.
3. Managers are recommended to notice emotional intelligence to improve organization because whatever this accuracy is met, the staff will show more commitment and respect the goals of organization more.
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