Line x Tester Analysis for Yield and Yield Attributes in upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

Author Name(s): M. Linga swamy*,M. Gopinath,K. Gopala Krishna Murthy
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The nature and magnitude of gene action were studies in L x T analysis comprising 6 lines and 10 testers for seed cotton yield and its quality traits. The magnitude of gca and sca variances revealed that pre-dominance of additive as well as non-additive gene action was important for inheritance of seed cotton yield and its yield attributes. The parents VCH 5-4, Narasimha and SP 2-1 were found good general combiners for seed cotton yield and its yield attributes. The hybrids PH 1008 x SP 1-2, PH 1008 x SP 2-2, HYPS cr x WGCVRAZ, PH 1008 x SP 2-1, NA 1588 x HYPS-3 and HYPS cr x SBE 4-1 had significant sca effects for seed cotton yield and its attributes. It is advocated that the good combiner genotypes could be used in crossing programme and the crosses having significant sca effects should be tested over the location and years before commercially exploitation. Key words: Combining ability, cotton, gene action, line x tester, yield attributes.


Line tester Analysis, Yield Attributes, Crossing, Variances


Cotton, the king of fibre is one of the momentous and an important cash crop exercising profound influence on economics and social affairs of the world. Any other fibre crop cannot compare with cotton for its fibre quality. It is also called as “White Gold”. In India, cotton is grown in 121.91 lakh ha with a productivity of 481 kg lint/ha (1).
The objective of any breeding programme is to evolve varieties with traits of interest coupled with high yield and desirable fibre quality parameters since most of these economic traits are controlled by polygenes.
Hence, the information on gene action and combining ability helps in choice of suitable parents for hybridization programme so as to exploit hybrid vigour shall be of immense help in accelerating the pace of breeding programme.
Therefore, the present study was undertaken to have an idea of the nature of combining ability for seed cotton yield and its fibre quality parameters in upland cotton with a view to identify good combining parents.


Thus, the material chosen for the present study possessed variability for yield and yield attributes at desired level, allowing scope for selection and choice of material. The raw data thus collected and means computed, has been subjected to variance analysis and results (Table 1). It is evident from the table that treatment differences for the eleven out of twelve characters studied viz., number of monopodia per plant, sympodia per plant, number of bolls per plant, boll weight, seed index, lint index, ginning out turn, 2.5 % span length. Fibre strength, micronaire value, uniformity ratio, seed cotton yield per plant was significant statistically, and the trait micronaire value was not significant. Confirming, the statistically significant differences among genotypes chosen for the present study, the analysis switched over assessing combining ability of lines vs. testers based on the performance of parents as well as hybrids and computations of gene action of characters under study. Before calculating the combining ability and computing gene action it is essential to know that the variability present in the study material was significant statistically, for which the data were subjected to analysis of variance.

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