Antigenic Site Detection and Designing of a Potential Vaccine candidate against Listeria monocytogenes a Cause of Listeriosis using Reverse Vaccinology

Author Name(s): Anuradha Parihar*, Alekhya Duggishetti
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“Listeriosis” is the recent pandemic caused by a bacterium named Listeria monocytogenes an intracellular pathogen causes very high mortality rates in the United States. In the Current study, an effort was taken to design a Potent Subunit vaccine against L. monocytogenes applying the reverse vaccinology approach. The method includes screening of complete proteome based on its antigenic property against Homo sapiens, identification of potential candidate vaccine, antigenic site prediction, peptide designing, and energy evaluation of the candidate vaccine is performed. A potent vaccine candidate has been selected which can be used as a vaccine against Listeriosis after required validation and clinical trials.


Reverse vaccinology, Antigenic emboss, peptide designing.


Listeria monocytogenes is a Gram-positive, facultative intracellular bacterium that can live as a saprophyte, primarily in decaying vegetation in soil and as a pathogen in the tissues of mammals and birds, in which it can cause life-threatening disease(1). It infects a variety of phagocytic and nonphagocytic mammalian cells. Following internalization, the bacteria escapes from the vacuole/phagosome by membrane lysis into the cytosol, where it proliferates. L. monocytogenes has the capacity to cross three tight barriers, the intestinal, blood-brain, and fetoplacental barriers. These features are considered to be central to the pathophysiology of listeriosis. Symptoms of listeriosis may show up 2-30 days after exposure. Symptoms in pregnant women include mild flu-like symptoms, headaches, muscle aches, fever, nausea, and vomiting. If the infection spreads to the nervous system it can cause stiff neck, disorientation, or convulsions.


Through this work, an attempt has been done to design a potential peptide vaccine using the in silico approach “Reverse Vaccinology”. The peptide RPTVEVIFTVLHAG of DNA gyrase subunit B (gyrB) protein can be used as a potential vaccine candidate against Listeriosis which can be further preceded for vaccine development and clinical trials

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