Abstract This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of self-regulation skills training on motivational orientation and academic achievement of students. This is an quasi-experimental research. The population consisted of all students who were studying in the school of paramedical in academic year of 2015-16 in Sari, Iran and 40 of them were selected as samples […]
Abstract This study on cost behavior reveals that cost stickiness is a behavioral characteristic of costs in relation with activity change. It indicates that costs increase more when activity rises than they decrease when activity falls by the equivalent amount. This study formulates two main and eight subsidiary hypotheses. To validate them, data of 86 […]
Abstract This study aims to examine the relation between the effects of credit risk on the profitability of the stock exchange-listed banks. The issue of credit risk and non-performing loans is one of the most important and sensitive issues in the banking industry which is named as the main cause of bank failures. In order […]
Abstract This study was conducted to investigate the earnings management type and earnings quality status in bankrupt and distressed companies to compare the results with healthy companies. The method of study is applied in terms of objective and correlational in terms of nature. In this regard, all manufacturing companies listed in Tehran stock exchange were […]
Abstract The aim of this study is to determine ways of increasing penetration of non-compulsory insurance in different fields of property and responsibility in the southern Kerman. The research method is descriptive-survey and statistical population included all citizens, homeowners, businesspersons, shopkeepers, doctors, engineers, employers of Kahnooj, Jiroft and is Manoujan in 2013. Sampling method of […]
Abstract This research has aimed to study relationship between personnel’s depression and quality of services in hospitals of Kerman’s Medical Science University. This is a descriptive-correlational research and its statistical population includes two groups. The first group consists of all the hospitals’ personnel of Kerman’s Medical Science University with 3678 number of people and the […]
Abstract This study was conducted in order to evaluate the relation between manager, s narcissism and administrative offence in administrative agencies of Kerman city. The research method was descriptive – correlational. The Statistical population included total employee (67240 individuals), managers and their assistants (134 individuals) in administrative agencies existed in Kerman. According to Morgan table, […]
Abstract The present study aimed to examine the relationship between work-family conflict, job burnout and plateauing of official employees of Iran Oil Pipeline and Telecommunication Company (Centre of South East Regional) in summer of 2015.the method of study was descriptive- correlational. The population includes 120 official employees of Iran oil pipeline and Communication Company. The […]