Use of Mortgage-Investment Analysis to Study the Behavior of the Population in the Residential Real Estate Market in the City of Kazan

Abstract The study considers the issues of making a decision on investing in residential real estate. The investment efficiency was assessed using and without using borrowed funds at different rates of rent growth. In the course of the mortgage market research, the preponderance of the offer of loans with an annuity repayment method was found. […]

Thermal Studies of Polymeric Foams Used in Engineering

Abstract Polymeric foams, used in the production of aircraft, are consideredin the article. Thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry were used to conduct thermal studies of rigid polyimide foam materials. It was shown, that the process of thermal destruction of these foams hadthree stages of different intensity: the destruction of rigid segment with the formation […]

The Status and Social Role of Girl’s Religious Educational Institutions of The Late XIX – The Beginning of The XX Century (On The Basis of Kazan, The Principal Town of Province)

Abstract The paper examines the status of religious girl’s schools in the Russian Empire in the late XIX – early XX centuries, as well as their social role. In the period under consideration, the beginning of which is connected with the end of the “Great Reforms” era of the 1860s-1870s and the so-called “counter-reforms” of […]

The Extradition Legislation in the Russian Federation and Germany: A Comparative Analysis

Abstract The article focuses on questions of legislative framework of extradition of the figutives. In the Russian Federation the norms concerning extradition are fragmented and often not ordered. So, authors of article have made the assumption that creation of the federal law on an extradition can serve systematization of knowledge of procedure and improve efficiency […]

The Communicative Grammar Phenomenon as the Reflection of the Anthropocentric Worldview of the Contemporary Humanitarian Discourse

Abstract The article highlights the actual theoretical and methodological issues of communicative grammar from the point of view of the “new” communicative trend in teaching Russian as a foreign language considering the anthropocentric worldview of the contemporary humanitarian discourse. The relevance of the stated problem is caused by the absence in the modern methodological and […]