Competence and Commitment: Two Factors that Impact Performance in Organizations

Abstract Outstanding performance is a performance that follows systems according to planned criteria. However, in performance, it must have to have several standards so that efficiency increases so that the company usually runs according to what it wants. To improve employee performance, many factors have an immediate impact on it besides mastering technology and adapting […]

Lex Superior Versus Lex Inferior: Selection Between Social Norms and Applicable Legal Norms

Abstract Human life cannot separate from social norms that become a benchmark for behavior. Social norms have validity and power applicable to legal subjects. In addition to human social norms, it is also bound by legal norms, which also have validity and power applicable to legal subjects. Types of research methods used are normative legal […]

Evaluation of Human Errors Using Standardized Plan Analysis Risk among Health Provider in Clinical and Pathology Laboratories in Hospitals of Qazvin Province

Abstract Damage due to human error has different consequences in different professions. Small mistakes can lead to irreparable damages and high costs in the health care profession. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify human error using the SPAR-H in clinical and pathology laboratories in hospitals of Qazvin province. Method: This study was […]