Formation of Adolescent Social Competence

Author Name(s): Ramilya Sh. Kasimova*, Gulnara F. Biktagirova
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The article presents the results of the study aimed at adolescent social competence development. The conduct of this study was conditioned by the fact that the prosperity and the success of a modern man depends on the ability to solve problems, on his awareness of social space issues, the degree of social competence development that make it possible to achieve the desired goals and come to a necessary result. In the framework of this study, psycho-pedagogical literature was analyzed, various approaches were identified to define the notion of “social competence”, the age characteristics of adolescents were identified, the diagnostic tools were selected (“The scale of social competence” by A.M. Prikhozhan, “The methodology for student socialization study by M.I. Rozhkov, G. Gilford’s “Social Intelligence Test”). The study was conducted on the basis of the school in Kazan. 30 teenagers took part in the experiment (15 boys, 15 girls) at the age of 13-14. Based on the generalization of theoretical knowledge concerning the formation of social competence, taking into account the age characteristics of adolescents and obtained empirical data, we compiled a psycho-pedagogical program. The program included organized forms and the methods of work on the development of lagging indicators of adolescent social competence, it was conducted once a week for 45 – 50 minutes in a classroom and after-hours.

The effectiveness of the program was checked at the control stage of the study, it was checked by the methods of mathematical statistics and was described in detail in the article. The results and recommendations can be used in the practice of social educators, educators – psychologists, class leaders and tutors.


At present, the prosperity and the success of a modern man is in direct relationship with the ability to solve problems, with his knowledge about social space issues, with the degree of social competence development that enable him to achieve the desired goals and come to the necessary result. The mastering social competencies allows school leavers to take responsibility actively, to take part in the development of a common solution, to be able to resolve conflict situations in a positive way, to participate in the activities of various democratic institutions effectively” (2, p. 298).

Social competence is, above all, social activity, the desire to live in society, some motivation. In modern social and pedagogical science various aspects of social competence development are considered (E.V. Koblyanskaya [20], V.N. Kunitsyna [10], A. Kidron [7], E.A. Boyarsky [1]). Some studies deal with the structure, methodology, the diagnosis of social competence, the ways and the means of its development (N.V. Kalinina [6], M.I. Lukyanova [11]), L.M. Ivanov [5], I.A. Zimnaya [4], N.A. Dobrolyubov [3], L.S. Kolmogorova [9]).


Thus, we see that three previously lagging indicators improved as the result of our psychological and pedagogical program for the development of social competence “In harmony with oneself and the world”. For a more accurate test of the hypothesis, the results for previously lagging indicators were subjected to statistical analysis. We used Student’s t-test for dependent samples in order to determine the reliability of the changes using the control experiment

The obtained results of Student’s t-test by A.M. Prikhozhan’s method (the subscale “Self-confidence”). Result: tEмп = 5.8. (at critical values ​​of 2.05 (p≤0.05) and 2.76 (p≤0.01)).

According to the method by A.M. Prikhozhan (subscale “Communication development”) tEmp = 3.2 (for critical values ​​2 (p≤0.05) and 2.66 (p≤0.01)). According to Guildford’s “Social Intelligence” test (the “History with the addition” subtest) tEmp = 3.6 2 (p≤0.05) and 2.66 (p≤0.01)).

Thus, all three cases have reliable differences between the data before and after the implemented program “In harmony with oneself and the world”. Accordingly, the proposed hypothesis H1 on the presence of reliable differences is confirmed. Improved indicators suggest that the hypothesis of our study is confirmed and the goal is achieved. The results of the research lead to the conclusion that the program “In harmony with oneself and the world” developed by us is effective for the development of student social competence.


The work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.


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