Using a Digital Platform to Model Interaction between Oilfield Service Market Actors

Author Name(s): Elena V. Volkodavova, Olesya V. Tomazova
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One factor that determines timeliness of the research topic is that the modern society where knowledge is a priority feels that, nowadays, the use of digital technologies should be a standard practice for interaction between actors of the Russian market for oilfield services. Considering the above, this paper is aimed at working out interaction methods for those oilfield service market actors who are involved in equipment reconditioning and renovation. In their research the authors mainly relied on systematic analysis, integrated analysis and economic mathematical modelling. This approach allowed them to develop comprehensive and realistic algorithms for and models of effective interaction between oilfield service market actors using digital technologies. Materials presented in the paper are of practical value for researchers and experts who deal with problems arising from the use of state-of-theart technologies for better interaction between oilfield service market actors and managers of companies operating in oil and gas sector who outsource certain business processes of equipment reconditioning and renovation.


The use of digital technologies for interaction between the actors of the Russian oilfield service market is a topical line of research. In his Address to the Federal Assembly of 2017 president Putin of the Russian Federation set the task of building a digital economy. As a result, a programme called The Russian Federation’s Digital Economy has been developed and launched. Certain Russian oil companies have already been using digital technologies for some time, but, for the most part, their use is limited to the main business processes. The authors of this paper believe that companies representing the oil and gas sector should rely on specialised oilfield service providers to ensure flawless operation of their equipment. The oilfield service providers implement supportive business processes such as reconditioning and renovation, which are essential for operating oil equipment smoothly.  The process of interaction between the customer and the contractor providing oilfield services also needs to be digitalised.  The goal of this research is, therefore, to work out algorithms for digital-technology-based interaction between oilfield service market actors, and its tasks include setting forth the theory and methodology of the process and giving practical recommendations regarding its implementation.


The programme entitled “Development of Digital Economy in Russia” [17] points out that “in digital economy, which is highly competitive and cross-border, the key factor of success is not new technologies, but new technology management and data management techniques (or ‘models’) that enable quick response to changes and modelling future challenges/problems for governments, businesses or civil society” [17, p. 22]. The authors believe that their model of digital-technology-based interaction between actors of the Russian market of oilfield services and the use of the proposed economic mathematical models will contribute to success in the development of such processes as reconditioning and renovation of production equipment used by Russian oil and gas companies.

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