Social Exclusion of Deprived Groups on the Example of the European Union

Author Name(s): Maria Yu. Eflova, Alfiya A. Akbasheva
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This article discusses the social exclusion of deprived groups on the example of the countries of the European Union. It gives the statistical data of the analysis of indicators with the identification of the causes of social exclusion. The paper considers institutionalization of social exclusion in the structure of modern society in the context of the European social model. The problems of socialization and social deformation of individuals related to drug abuse, distancing the state from solving the problems at the stage of taking drugs and at the stage of remission are an important aspect of the study. In general, we can talk about a single model of exclusion of deviant groups from society. In turn, it is the application of an interdisciplinary analysis to the study of narcotism and the social exclusion of the users of narcotic drugs helps to present this model and to show the ways of its reconstruction in order to reduce public grievance, as well as to restore the identity of the drug abuser. The main theses of the work arising from the application of the theory of social exclusion to the study of socially excluded deprived groups – the drug users, can be developed and specified in further studies of groups that are excluded from society for health reasons. The results of this study contribute to the expansion of the scientific understanding of the processes of institutionalization of social exclusion, form the basis for a new theoretical and applied area of focus in the sociology of deviant behavior.


Social exclusion is a relatively new research framework that addresses the problems of poverty, discrimination, intolerance, stigmatization and the infringement of human rights. Social expulsion implies the absence or denial of resources and rights in a number of communities, resulting in their inability to participate in society’s life, which affects the quality of life of socially expelled people and negatively affects society on the whole. The authorship of the concept of “social exclusion” or “social expulsion” is attributed to the Secretary of State of the French government, René Lenoir, and implies any deprivation hindering the full integration of a person into the system of social relations [13]. This category primarily includes people with mental retardation and physical disabilities, orphans, people with addictions, marginals, people living below the poverty line [23]. The principles of equality in Europe, as well as the increasing role of democratic values, leads to an increase in the interest of the social sciences in the study of national minorities and economically challenged strata. The rapid growth of such social groups and, consequently, the exacerbation of the problem of unequal rights and opportunities is promoted by frequent economic crises and intensive migration, which leads to rising unemployment rate, forcing some groups of the population to fall below the poverty line.


Summarizing this work, the following conclusions can be drawn: The government plays the main role in the institutionalization of strategies. It is the government that not only selects those who are to be excluded but also prescribes its own forms of punishment for various types of exclusion – from medical intervention to where there is no disease to imprisonment where there is no crime” [29]. A sociological analysis of normative legal acts allows us to explore the peculiar issues associated with the institutionalization of the exclusion of drug users in certain cultural conditions and time frames.


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