Prediction of Criminal Re-Offending –Brain Study

Author Name(s): Dr Vinit Kumar Gunjan,*Dr Puja S Prasad
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This paper predicts about recurrent antisocial behaviour by measuring the anterior cingulate activity of adult offenders. Identification of key elements that predict recurrent antisocial elements for a particular person is very beneficial for judgement process during trial of criminal in court or we say in judgement procedure as well as in social sciences. It is also being very effective treatment for a person that are in a zone of high risk for doing crime again. The part of brain that is activated during aggressive impulsive or inhibitory behavior are anterior cingulate cortex. It is seen that the person who were more than twice as likely to be re-arrested within five years of their release, low anterior cingulate activity compared to those with higher activation in anterior cingulate cortex region, keeping all the criminality risk factor constant.


Risk valuation is a major factor for criminal justice procedure and as well as in taking decisions. By knowing the risk, it become very useful for the predictions of crime as well as to find, manage as well as correct antisocial behaviour. However, decisions that belief that forecasting risk about criminality saturate the judiciary system, that’s begin with the approvals for bail as well as jail for sentencing, civil obligation, parole decisions, change, and Treatment plans and assessments for naming few. For predicting future antisocial behaviour practitioner opinion are taken which has been less accurate. Certain improvement are seen when static that is evidence based like age, criminal history, sex as well as dynamic risk factors like impulsivity, drug use social support are taken. Impulsivity has been assessed by personality tests Risks assessment and neuropsychological measures which is also a very important factor to predict future antisocial behaviour. Another important risk factor for predicting future antisocial behaviour is impulsive nature, disinhibition, lack of restraint etc. These latter measures value can act only like proxies and used for direct measuring of the brain’s neural system as well as inhibitory
systems. The part of brain has been well identified that is liable for impulse control. The region that is responsible for these is a part of brain called ACC or Anterior Cingulate Cortex. It is actually a limbic region that is responsible for error processing, conflict monitoring, response selection as well as escaping from learning. Anterior Cingulate Cortex is vital for monitoring error and it relays information to motor areas from inferior frontal cortex and basal ganglia. These part of brain or motor areas update feedback and behavioural plan and thus facilitate learning. There is difficulty in regulating behavior when anterior cingulate is focally damaged in animals. In Humans, damage of anterior cingulate result in aggression, apathy, disinhibition. Acquired Psychopathic personality is the clinical name of a patients whose ACC has been damaged. In this paper we are going to evaluate the hypothesis that Anterior Cingulate Cortex activity is connected with a GNG called Go/no-Go task which control impulse of a person as well as how it will predict the forecast for future rearrests as well as antisocial behaviour in a longitudinal and prospective study of already released criminals. Actually low activity in Anterior Cingulate Cortex have been associated with impulse control. Kiehl et al.’s (13) studies show that Go/no-Go task commonly find the anterior cingulate cortex is the strongly involved area of brain through inhibitory control. In this our main focus is totally on the anterior cingulate region of the brain in this paper.


Association Between Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Error Rate. We scrutinised the association between percentage of commission error and anterior cingulate cortex in the Go/No-go task. As it was already expected lower Anterior Cingulate Cortex response compared to commission error percentage. Hierarchical linear regression was used and we scrutinised the association between percentage of commission errors and Anterior Cingulate Cortex response in the Go/no Go task. Corresponding mean value commission error as well as Go/no Go hitting rates were 26.05(14.00) and 97.57 (7.40) correspondingly. From the study of hemodynamic activity inside the brain we might predict the rearrests of the offender. ACC is the anatomical region that is associated with rear rest, and it was already defined by an previous hypothesis and is responsible for processing error and inhibition in healthy adults whereas increased Anterior Cingulate Cortex activity has also been associated for improving control or inhibitory control.This type of results increases the prospect in which brain activity in the particular region called ACC Anterior Cingulate Cortex, prompted by a simple experiment, may offer Increasing efficacy to already existing behavioural risk factors that is associated with the ability to predict rear rest. In respect of that Para limbic function show the relationship between antisocial behaviour and cognitive control as well as these results support existing theories. Finally, this work actually highlights possible neuronal systems that could be embattled for action intervention. In one hypothesis it is found that there is reduction of future recidivism as Anterior Cingulate Cortex activity may help for prediction of future crime to be happen or not..

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