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This study aims to investigate the relationship between career path capabilities and job control and commitment among the employees of Bank Melli branches of Kerman City in 1393. This is a descriptive study conducted with correlational method. The study population includes all of the 402 employees of the Bank Melli branches of Kerman City and the sample size was determined 201 people using Cochran formula. Three questionnaires including Career Path Capabilities Questionnaire, Job Commitment Questionnaire and Job Control Questionnaire have been used in this study. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 20 and Amos 22 with multivariate regression and structural equation modeling. The results showed that there is a direct and significant relationship between the employees’ career path capabilities and job control and job commitment in Bank Melli branches of Kerman City. The employees’ know-why, know-how and know-who are directly and significantly related with job control. The employees’ know-why, know-how and know-who are also directly and significantly associated with employees’ job commitment. Know-why, know-how and know-who are the best predictors of employees’ job control and job commitment. Therefore, it is recommended that employees have clear career path goals, be able to manage their business problems, participate in the training courses related to their jobs, and use others’ experiences in order to be guided through their career path.
career path capabilities, job control, job commitment
Human resources in any organization are considered fundamental to that organization, since the employees will perform their assigned tasks better, thereby increasing the organization’s effectiveness and efficiency and paving the way for greater advance of the organization providing that the employees have further commitment and loyalty to the organization. People with professional commitment will certainly feel more satisfied due to high interest in their work, and the improved job satisfaction will in turn help improve the organizational commitment. Undoubtedly, the increased job satisfaction and organizational commitment of employees will significantly help increase the quantity and quality of work and achieve organizational goals, which is in line with the overall goals of the community. (Ghaedi, 1392: 2).
The research results demonstrated that there is a direct and significant relationship between the employees’ career path capabilities and job control in Bank Melli branches of Kerman City, meaning that the greater the employees’ career pathcapabilities are, the greater their control over their jobs will be. These results are in line with the findings of the study conducted by Frans and colleagues (2013). It can thus be said that when the employees have clear career path goals, are able to manage their business problems, participate in the training courses held in relation to their jobs, and use others’ experiences to choose their own career path, they can adequately control their organization and occupational affairs.
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