The Student Youth with Predisposition to Deviant Behavior, Depending on the Field of Study

Author Name(s): Yanna G. Garanina, Tatiana V. Artemyeva,
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Normative systems of society do not stand still. With changing the norms, the attitude towards them also changes. The deviation from the norm is as natural as adherence to them. The most vulnerable group are the students whose system of views and principles is in the process of formation, and the system of values and norms that has not fixed yet cannot provide the necessary guidelines for behavior. The study attempted to study the dependence of proneness to violate social norms and rules by men and women with regard to the disciplines studied. The study was carried out using the methods by A.N. Orel “Diagnosis of Predisposition to Deviant Behavior”.309 students (249 women, 60 men) took part in the study. The results of the study revealed that the difference in the tendency to deviate from the norms among the students of the same sex is that men pursuing the humanities, in contrast to men of natural science, are more prone to risk, they need thrilling experience. The comparison of men and women studying humanitarian disciplines showed that women are inclined to conflict with the generally accepted lifestyle and legal norms. Men have a proneness to an illusory and compensatory solution of personal problems, in addition, they are prone to various kinds of addictions. The results of the research can be of interest to the specialists working in the system of prevention of deviant behavior.


In a continuously changing society, the lack of a stable regulatory system reduces the likelihood of people to choose a clear line of normative behavior, which naturally leads to the growth of various forms of deviant behavior. In these conditions, the most vulnerable group of the population is proved to be young people, due to their social and psychological-age characteristics. Despite the fact that the issue of deviance is dealtwithby the works of domestic and foreign researchers, at the moment there is no single point of view about what “deviant behavior” is. According to Gilinsky, deviant behavior is understood as the act, the action of a person that does not correspond to the norms officially accepted or actually formed in a given society [1]. Rozhkov understands deviant behavior as deviation from the social and moral norms and the cultural values accepted in society, social environment, the community [2]. Kovalev defines deviant behavior as the behavior that deviates from the moral norms of a given society [3]. A number of authors (A. G. Abrumov, E. V. Zmanovskaya, I. S. Kon) differentiate deviant (deviant) and delinquent (criminal) behavior in their classifications (the term “delinguens” is an offence, a fault) [3]. Zmanovskaya defines delinquent behavior as actions of a concrete person that deviate from the laws established in the given society and at the given time, threaten the well-being of other people and criminal and are punishable in their extreme manifestations [4]. Dimov sees the line that separates norms from deviant in the destructive effects of negative phenomena, which is a real threat to a social survival of man [5].The work by Western researchers (Chan, H.C., Beauregard, E.) deals with psychopathological profiles and offers different approaches to the classification of criminals [6].Savina marks out the factors causing the delinquent behavior of students: academic failure, emotional immaturity, hyperactivity, communication disorders, loneliness, bad habits, social incompetence [7]. The study by Lopez reveals that the goals of social development and normative regulations are directly related to social adaptation [10].The results of Baier’s research showed that psychological and moral pressure from the teacher is a negative factor causing deviant behavior of adolescents [8].The article by Twine singles out three types of preactions of aggression and violence between the students of different age groups. Social aggression includes malicious insults, demonstrating power, modeling dominant behavior, in which the subjects try to protect their status or force out others [9].Aleksandrovichin his article regards the family as a factor that forms both social attitudes and antisocial behavior, since social attitudes of the person have a direct effect on asocial behavior [11].The results of Herndon’s work showed the connection between the influence of peers and antisocial behavior. The influence of peers had an indirect and positive impact on the ability for mathematics, because it had a direct effect on school behavior and indirect influence on delay of satisfaction, deviant behavior had an indirect and negative impact on the ability for mathematics due to its direct effect on delayed satisfaction, aggressive behavior, psychoactive substance abuse and behavior in school [12].

So, despite the differences in interpretation, the authors’ opinion coincides in the fact that the main criterion of deviant behavior is to be considered the violation of social norms accepted in society. This is the behavior that deviates from the norms of morality adopted in a given society at a certain level of social and cultural development, and which can lead to sanctions: isolation, punishment, treatment, conviction and other forms of censure of the offender.


Thus, as a result of our study it was revealed that there is no significant difference between the propensities to violate the norms among the students of the same sex of different specialties. The difference is that men of the humanities, in contrast to men of natural science, are more prone to risk, they have need for “extreme”, thrill.

Comparing men and women studying humanitarian subjects, it is revealed that women are inclined to conflict with the generally accepted lifestyle and legal norms. Men have a tendency to an illusory-compensatory solution of personal problems, except

that they are prone to various kinds of addictions. Theseare chemical addiction, eating disorders (overeating, starvation, rejection of food), and gambling (game dependency) and religious-destructive behavior (religious fanaticism, involvement in the sect).

It should be noted that the same proneness to escape from reality through a change in one’s mental state is inherent in men of natural sciences. Women of this subject area tend to break calm, seek difficulties that could later be overcome, are also inclined to violate generally accepted norms and rules.


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