Features of Management of Innovative Activity of Small Enterprises

Author Name(s): Aida A. Safina, Kristina S. Kuramshina
Author Email: mitchl@mail.ru


This paper deals with the features of innovation planning in small enterprises. In view of the lack of innovative analysis techniques adapted to the conditions and peculiarities of small enterprises, small enterprises neglect to consider innovation activity. Therefore, the paper outlines the basic principles of innovative analysis, including private principles for planning innovation in a small enterprise, as well as elements of a system for a comprehensive analysis of the company’s innovation activities. The result of the research is the developed algorithm for using the results of evaluation and analysis of innovation activity in the management of the small enterprise.


A serious obstacle to increasing the innovation activity of small businesses is the lack of innovation management systems and systematic analysis of innovation activities in small businesses. During the formation of an innovative economy, the leading factors of economic development are scientific and technological progress (STP), the use of innovations, the increase of innovative activity of economic entities. In these conditions, one of the main subjects of innovation is small industrial enterprises that can make a significant contribution to the innovative development of production and the overcoming of crisis phenomena in the economy. The effectiveness of this contribution is related to the ability of small businesses to manage innovation activities, choose effective tools to ensure its continuity, and timely adjust the innovation process. Therefore, there is a need for a systematic analysis of innovation activities. It is an effective tool for enterprises to develop management decisions, identify internal reserves of growth, an instrument for assessing the professionalism and business qualities of managers of small businesses. At the same time, official data and the results of expert assessments indicate that only a little more than 6% of small enterprises in the manufacturing sector introduce innovations, and the total share of enterprises that carry out innovation activities systematically in the structure of small business is, according to various estimates, from 1.4% to 3.5% [1].

Despite the importance of the problem and the considerable attention thereto from the scientific community and practitioners, many problems remain unresolved in this area. So, there are still no innovation analysis methods adapted to the conditions and peculiarities of small enterprises; small enterprises do not consider innovation activity as an independent object of planning, analysis and evaluation; there are no unified approaches to the formation of a set of indicators of analysis and evaluation methods in small enterprises. It should be noted that some areas of analysis that have important theoretical and applied importance, for example, the evaluation of synergistic interaction of elements of innovation activity, have not been developed, and many questions of analysis and evaluation of this sphere change their manifestation in connection with the changed conditions. Therefore, the problem of improving innovation analysis at enterprises remains relevant.


Investigation of the issue of innovative development of a small and medium-sized enterprise using existing methods of analysis of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise is incomplete, since a qualitative analysis of innovative development is necessary; quantitative indicators, estimated in monetary form, alone do not allow forming a complete picture of innovation activity, innovative development. In this connection, a scheme was proposed for a balanced and harmonious functioning of the innovation activity of a small enterprise and the innovation management system


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