Aspects of Decision-Making System Development During Enrollment Campaign in Higher Education Institutions

Author Name(s): *E.N. Novikova, R.M. Akhmetshin, O.V. Martynova
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The study explores the aspects of decision making system development within enrolment campaign in institutes of higher education. Based on the survey on entrants’ and students’ opinion main directions are assumed for the creation of integrated communication system involving existing and potential consumers of educational services, as well as university’s image development.  Creation of professional laboratories within programs of specialization. The creation of professional practical field for students, bachelors, masters, postgraduate students and lecturers within the university.


Under rather severe competition in the educational services market, Management and staff of institutes of higher education have to develop and introduce measures of rising the level of self-competitiveness. Following the initiation of the guidelines on assessment the institutes of higher education by the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, it becomes necessary to consider optimization measures for entrants’ attraction, that affect academies performance both in short-term and long-term perspectives.

Consequences of the demographic crisis of the end of 90s have resulted in the objective reduction of students’ number and failure to meet the required level of enrolment on commercial basis on different programs.

New environment demands the necessity for education relations management, based on initiative activity of educational organizations – educational entrepreneurship. The issues of entrepreneurship development are covered in works by Kalenskaya N.V., Akhmetshin R.M., Grigoryeva L.L., Shafigullina A.V. [1], [3], [9].

In order to come up with optimal management solutions providing balance between entrants’, employers’ and academies’ interests, the development of a new decision making system is expected under enrolment campaign management, based on integrated communications system application, active forming of positive students’ opinion about the Institute of management, economics and finance of Kazan Federal University, as well as clear outlining the benefits, offered by the University.

In this environment the proposed decision making system within enrolment campaign management in institutes of higher education will let increase the quality of enrolment campaign, find efficient management solutions both for academies and employers and for students that finally will affect the efficiency and competitiveness of the University


Measures mentioned above would contribute to:

  1. The creation of professional practical field for students, bachelors, masters, postgraduate students and lecturers within the university.
  2. The development and implementation of practical part of education programs on building-up entrepreneurial competences for businesses.

Students might be attracted by following opportunities:

– Learning the specialization in practice;

– Self-affirmation, freedom within scientific work;

– Financial compensation;

– Participation in competitions and grants;

– Job placement after graduation from the university.


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  4. Martynova O.V., Valeeva Y.S. Development Typology for Retail Networks in the Russian Federation    //Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 6, No 1, Supplement 2, January, 2015, pp.155-159            
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