A Review on Signature and Logo Identification and Extraction using Automatic Logo Based Document Image Retrieval Methods

Author Name(s): Raveendra.K*, P.V.N. Reddy, P.V.V.Kishore
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In Present days we are going with paperless environment for the documentation purpose in order to save the lives of trees. The documents may consists of text, symbols, tables, graphs, logos and signatures and other features also. Out of all these features the signature and logos are having their own unique properties in the areas of verification and authentications.

In this paper we provided a detailed review of all the methods, techniques and algorithms used for the detection and extraction of signatures and logos in the documents from the huge amount of data base from the wireless network area like internet


In present days logo detection and signature identifications are playing vital role in almost all the offices where security and secrecy are the main concerns especially the countries like India because these two features of the document are the best ideas for the retrieval of the content information and ownership of the document. As the population is increasing day by day unique identification of a document can be done through the logos and signatures of the authorised person of a particular office.

As AADHAAR providing a unique identification for the persons to identify the logos and signatures should provide the unique identification for the documents like Marks Memoranda, Transfer Certificates and other certificates of the students, Land documents of property holders and other important documents in offices, organization, institutes and other areas like banks and insurance companies where security for the preserved documents is the main criteria for their survival and existence in the present competitive world.

In this paper our aim is to make familiarity with the methods available for signature and logo detection and extraction.


In this paper all the existing methods for the detection and extraction of signature and logos in documents are reviewed along with their basic operation principles.


I am highly indebted to my guides Dr.P.V.N.Reddy and Dr. P.V.V.Kishore for their guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the review of this paper and also for their support in completing the review.


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