The Use of the Adapted Task of Steiner Problem for the Solution of Optimization Problems of Realization of Industrial Enterprises Production

Author Name(s): Radik Sh. Sharipov*, Alexey G. Isavnin
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An adapted method for solution of the Steiner problem, in order to define the most optimal location of additional customer support depots, for selling industrial products, is considered in the article. The applicability of Steiner problem in the spectrum of solving the issues of products realization, with using additional coefficients of possible variations of the delivery and coefficients of logistic costs, is indicated in the work. The use of adapted method on the example of an industrial enterprise and the possibility of products delivery to neighboring regions(the markets for the enterprise’s products), were considered in the article. Comparison of the results with the classical method for solving the Steiner problem was carried out. The need for adjustments, depending on the features of the area, was determined.

The application of adapted method for solving the Steiner problem, when choosing the sales locations for industrial enterprises allows us to optimize expenses, to reduce prime costs, to improve logistics supply chains. This will ultimately increase the competitiveness of products and the business entity as a whole.

The proposed method for solving the Steiner problem with the indicated coefficients will help to increase the organizational and economic efficiency of industrial enterprises.


Any industrial enterprise wants to increase the efficiency of its activities, beginning with the supply of raw resources, production stages and ending with the dissemination of the results of production system functioning. At the same time, considering the results (products of manufacturing) an important factor is their disposal. Timely selling confirms the fact of the need of industrial production results for the market. The data of production volumes determine the level of the company’s influence on the market as a whole. Due to this, the indicator of the sales volume is an important financial and economic characteristic of the industrial enterprise activity.

When studying the process of products sales, a well-functioning logistics network is necessary for ensuring more rapid and efficient supply. At the same time, the introduction of new customer support depots allows to shorten the time of customers waiting for necessary products, to reduce the cost of delivery. The rational choice of the location of such warehouses allows to improve the logistics supply chains, that ultimately will increase the competitiveness of the products and the business entity as a whole.

When choosing the location of customer support depots, it is necessary to take into account the optimal location, in relation to the participants of the regional sales market, the availability and convenience of various logistics routes (rail, road, water, air).

We propose to consider the adaptation of the Steiner method, taking into account the cost rates for determining the optimal location of storage facilities, in relation to the consumers of the manufacturing enterprise.


The location of new warehouse in Astrakhan provides for the improvement of the logistics supply chain, which makes it possible to increase the competitiveness of products, in relation to local pipe manufacturers. Taking into account the construction of new gas pipelines, the availability of warehouses near these regions positively affects the operational sales of industrial products, thereby supporting the necessary production volumes.

Thus, the use of adapted method for solving the Steiner problem, when choosing the sales locations for industrial enterprises, allows not only to optimize costs and to reduce production costs, but also to improve the logistics supply chain, which ultimately will increase the competitiveness of products and the business entity as a whole.

The proposed method for solving the Steiner problem with the indicated coefficients will help to increase the organizational and economic efficiency of industrial enterprises.


The work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.


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