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The main purpose of this study was to investigatethe relationship between information technology and employees’ organizational agility in sports and youth departments of Kermanshah province. This research is a correlation study has been conducted in the field. All employees of Kermanshah province sports and youth departments have established statistical population of research (N=228) that that sample size were equaled population. For collecting research data, two standard questionnaires including MoharramZade (2011) information technology questionnaire and Sharifi& Zhang (2000) organizational agility questionnaire was used. For data analyses proper inferential statistics (K-S,Pearson Coefficient and Regression) were used. The findings showed that there is significant correlation among all dimensions of information technology with organizational agility of Kermanshah province sports And Type variables and the use of the Internet and the use of internet services have the ability to anticipate changing organizational agility . In this context, the IT capabilities of organizational agility and supports essential role in understanding and responding to the environment . IT organizations with information and how they change from within and outside the organization is prepared to deal with changes made
Information Technology organizational agility,Sports and Youth Departments, Kermanshah Province.
Information Technology (IT) is a strategy, idea, thought and tool in the field of human with innovation. Identifying opportunities and facilities created by ITmakes it similar to a strategy than a formula and practical version.Based on this approach, IT is a new strategy to have a different access to what an organization defines.Some considers IT a thought or idea for optimal and effective operation, an idea which uses optimum combination of hardware and software tools to establish and develop communications and optimal performance of goals and operation (Rahmani, 2011).
Information Technology is a strategy, idea, thought and tool in the field of human with innovation. With identifying opportunities and facilities created by IT can be not only similar to a formula and practical version but also a strategy (Moharrampour, 2011).IT components can be considered in 4 dimensions as:using computers, using computer software, the type and rate of using internet and the rate of use of Internet services.Based on this approach, IT is a new strategy to have a different access to what an organization defines. Some considers IT a thought or idea for optimal and effective operation, an idea which uses optimum combination of hardware and software tools to establish and develop communications and optimal performance of goals and operation (Torkiyan et al, 2013).Using information technology to share information between buyers and suppliers is creating a virtual supply chainwhich is based not on innovation but on information.The importance of technology and informational systems to support organizations current and future operations is known. Research conducted in this regard shows that IT is considered an important factor for today’s organizations success (Lu & Ramamurthy, 2013).
The results of the study showed that there was a significant correlations between the IT and the employee`s organizational agility of the Departments of Youth and Sports of Kermanshah province. These findings were matched with the results of Rahmani (2011), Chen et al (2014), Turkiyan et al (2013), Lu and Ramamurthy (2011) and Talon Books (2008).
Agility as a production philosophy (next generation of production systems) said welcome to the companies competes in all economic parts. As Talon (2008) stated, agility is achieved only by the integrity of the hierarchy of customers’ needs within a framework of internal and external organizational environment. This was achieved due to having a holistic view toward the organizational advanced production technologies along with the internal capabilities processing them and through the application of technology / information systems (Lu &Ramamuthy, 2011). IT was a major factor in advancing business agility and a critical ability to stimulate or impede business agility. Literature review in three waves of different studies about the relationship between IT capability and business agility showed that; the first wave of research showed that IT not only didn’t help to improve business agility but also in some cased damage. The second wave of research showed that IT led to a high degree of business agility. The third wave of information technology research showed that although the capabilities of IT led to a high degree of business agility, this relationship was affected by the reliability conditions and events. The first wave of research cited the reason of lack of the positive relationship between IT capabilities with the organizational agility in several reasons, including IT units in the large organizations because of the complexity of IT architecture, lack of the coherence and alignment between IT and business strategies, lack of the adequate support by senior executives and the lack of timely response to business needs was unable to strengthen and accelerate businesses agility. The second and the third wave of research defined the reason of the positive relationship between IT capabilities and organizational agility as innovations and new technologies in different architectural layers of IT enabled the access to agility (Turkiyan et al, 2013). In this regard, the IT capabilities supported the organizational agility and had an essential role in understanding and responding to the environment. IT by gathering information from within and outside the organization prepared them to deal with the changes. Thus agile organizations by having information and communication technology systems can sync theirs with changes and achieve greater competitive advantage than competitors. Therefore use of software applications for personnel affairs, senior managers’ support from the use of information and communication technology systems in the Departments of Youth and Sports, encouraging employees to use the new information in their work, and communication with colleagues and clients via email, chat and social networks was suggested.
It is also suggested the relationship between IT with other organizational elements such as job satisfaction and organizational performance and other factors affecting organizational agility of the employees of the Department of the Sport and Youth in Kermanshah such as organizational learning and empower employees to be investigated too.
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