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The aim of this study was to develop a strategic plan and Landscape Management Fans for Club Sport Sepahan for a period of five years, from 2015 until 2019. The present study was Quantitative and qualitative study. The sample consisted of 100 members, managers, analysts, strategists, leads the field were supporters club Sepahan. To collect the information required on the quantitative section of the questionnaire, confirmed the validity of the experts in the qualitative interviews were used. To analyze the data needed to evaluate the situation and act strategically in a matrix (SPACE) and Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) was used. Qualitative methods were used in logical induction. The findings showed that the supporters club Sepahan areas 5 and 5 grand strategy is a long term goal. While the position of the supporters club based strategy and strategic actions in the evaluation matrix position was attacked. Finally, it can be concluded that perspective, goals and strategic themes outlined supporters club Sepahan has the ability to execute strategic areas.
Fans, Football, Management, Sport Club, Strategic Planning
In the third millennium, sports organizations like other organizations and institutions of other areas changed into the strategy-based organization for survival and permanency in the international competition, so that many sports organizations of different countries provided the necessary strategy in terms of their mission and achieved some good success by its implementation (1). By domination of such thought, some sports organizations have formulated their own organizational strategy to succeed in their mission. With such thought, these organizations have a strategic plan and a clear vision. In addition, they try to have a successful attendance in the national and international arenas and hope to achieve the specified goals by using minimum energy and resources. Thus, the formulation of a strategy to help the management in planning is to achieve the organizational long-term goals (2). Strategic planning is the process of providing resources of an organization and unifying its efforts to achieve long-term goals and mission
In the early third millennium, one of the major concerns of strategy-based organizations is non-implementation of formulated strategies. Management scholars especially strategic management introduced strategic planning to the managing area of organizations to remove these concerns and by using it organizations can change subjective formulated strategies into objective ones. To describe steps and implementation process of organizational strategies, Dived, Kaplan and Norton, Bryson and other scientists of management innovated strategic plan that managers, beneficiaries and staff of organizations use to see causal relationships between perspectives and identified goals. In addition, they use it to perceive the achievement way to the organizational strategy and take appropriate measures if they deviate from the way leading to the vision and strategies. To formulate strategic plan, first strategic themes and perspectives should be formulated and then vision and goals should be considered, therefore according to the findings, the vision of area of Sepahan club’s fan was considered as a leading club in terms of fan in 2020. According to this vision, the statement of it can be interpreted as: athletic-cultural club of Sepahan, based on designed indexes by Iran’s football federation and premier league, will be placed at the top of all clubs in terms of quality and variety of services. Very important strategic themes in the area of Sepahan club’s fan can be analyzed and interpreted in mission content. As mentioned in findings, the mission of fan area of Sepahan club was considered as spiritual and material support of all club’s processes and activities in all sports especially football. Based on it,by paying special attention to Islamic-Iranian values and high position of Isfahan as the capital of Islamic culture and civilization, Sepahan’s fans intend to be politely and honestly committed to the club and to be supporter of the club in all affairs. In order to protect and respect the Islamic-Iranian values in fan area, core values of honesty, politeness, empathy and commitment were considered as reliable values of fan community of the club. The important point in selecting core values of fan area is that by some studying in fan area especially fan area of football, social values, politeness, empathy, commitment and honesty among fans, players, managers and staff of the club are counted as important elements of the club’s success, but it seems that promotion of mentioned values haven’t been paid much attention by these elements, therefore being core values of Sepahan club, these values can be a model for other clubs. It is certain that rule of legalism, moralization and protection of human dignity of individuals should be given special attention as main policies in the area of fan. Thus, based on the results of this study, these key words of “rule of legalism, moralization and human dignity” were considered as major policies of strategic plan of fan area.
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