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The present study aimed at surveying the individual’s mental health based on their personality types in congruent and disparate vocational environments in Iran-Khodro Company.
The major goal of the present study was to evaluate the theories, which are divided into two major and minor parts, and to respond to the stated questions about sex, age, education, and work experience. The major theories deal with individual’s health, and the minor ones discuss the mental health in comparison to the entire six personality types in the congruent and disparate groups based on Holland’s theory. This is a descriptive-analytical study which was conducted in 2015.
Three hundred staff of Iran-Khodro Company were randomly chosen. Seventy-two were female and the rest were male. They were from different departments including engineering, artistic, medical, administrative, and educational along with their bosses and managers. Holand’s personality vocational inventory and SCL-90- R were used for data collection. Research data were analyzed using both descriptive (mean, standard deviation, percentage), and inferential statistics (T[1] and F[2] testing, the analysis of unilateral variance, ANOVA).
According to the results of the study, 26.7 % of employees had congruence between vocations and personalities, but 73.3 % did not have such congruence. Moreover, men were mentally healthier than women. The highest mental health was found among conventional and realistic groups, while the highest disorder and the lowest mental health were observed in artistic groups. The most prevalent disorder was paranoia and the least one was psychosis.
Congruent, Disparate, Personality Type, Vocational Environments, Mental health
Whenever an individual is able to use and utilize his/her total capacities and opportunities in order to achieve vocational objectives, then, vocational success will be gained (1).
Development of any organization depends, largely, on suitable use of human resources. The larger the size of the organizations, the more their problems with how to manage human resources. Managers try to control their employees and believe that when an individual is hired, he/ she should try to adapt themselves with the new conditions. Although most of the employees are nowadays concerned with economic issues due to the existence of financial pressures, they gradually tend to do more important and interesting jobs. Therefore, they feel valuable inside themselves in this way(1,2).
One of the main causes of low rate of manpower in industrial organizations and services in our country is the nonuse of capable and qualified employees. In fact, It does not mean that our organizations and managers hire incompetent employees, but it probably means that someone who is honest and capable is appointed for a job which he/she is not expert at and has no relationship with his/her job. In other words, he/she does not have suitable conditions for the regarding responsibility, although he/she could be more qualified and better-off for another occupation (2 ).
As we know, people certainly vary in their capabilities, interests, talents, and in their personality characteristics. Different personalities vary in different ways and behave differently, have different expectations, needs, motivations, and goals. So, an accomplishment requires specific capabilities and talents. Furthermore, precise and regular plan for individuals’ vocational direction not only has an effective role towards utilization and social economic rise, but also causes more satisfaction and success with one’s efficiency (3).
However, the vocational success will come when an individual uses their capability and facilities to reach their goal. More importantly, proper and methodological selection of individuals in vocational and systematic opportunities will lead to mental health improvement. With regards to all these points, this study was prospected to evaluate the congruent and disparate individual’s mental health based on their personalities and occupations.
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