Modernization of the Regional Economic Complex as the Strategic Factor of Import Substitution National Policy Implementation

Author Name(s): Valeriy S. Misakov, Magomed U. Tumgoev, Liza A. Tsuruva, Louisa A. Yandarbayeva, Anzor V. Misakov
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The article considers the problems of the regional agro-industrial complex modernization as the strategic factor in the implementation of import substitution national policy as one of the priority trends for the restoration and sustainable development of regional economic complexes in the depressed republics of the North Caucasus. And this is not an accident, because one of the most effective methods of national agriculture competitive advantage development can be the project upgrade of the regional agro-industrial complex. We believe that this will provide an opportunity to increase the volume of food products for the country population, to load the processing enterprises of AIF with agricultural raw materials and to provide the food independence for the country.


The problems of RF food safety development, the provision of competitive agroindustrial complex, the production of high-quality affordable agricultural products, etc. requires immediate modernization reforms, based on the introduction of innovations in production and economic, economic- organizational and managerial processes. During the development of priority directions for agro-industrial complex development, many questions arise inevitably, including the following: modernization or innovation – what is better? In our case, such a question requires us to consider whether these concepts are identical and, if both are necessary, what aspects of modernization development are needed for the domestic agro-industrial complex.


In the course of the study, we supplemented and refined the theoretical aspects of AIC modernization and innovative development in the context of import substitution policy implementation, substantiated the need for the correlation between modernization and innovation processes in agro-industrial complex development. We justified that import substitution should be considered as one of the forms of economic innovation growth. The need to replace imported products raises the urgent need for agricultural development at a more dynamic pace, which is possible only through a large-scale introduction of innovative developments. In the course of the analysis, we found that almost all the republics of the North Caucasus use obsolete and largely inefficient technologies for agricultural production, and use unprofitable and labor-intensive organizational and managerial methods and forms. They revealed the peculiarities of the conditions for the development of modernization and innovation processes in the agroindustrial complex of agrarian-oriented republics of the North Caucasus. We believe that it is necessary to establish the cooperation between various agro-industrial enterprises, innovators and local authorities of the republics in order to implement the mechanisms of innovative activity. We have established that the depressed republics of the North Caucasus have all the conditions for the development of ecologically clean agriculture, the formation of agro-clusters, agrotechnoparks, vertically and horizontally integrated structures.

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