Survey on Energy Efficient Cloud: A Novel Approach towards Green Computing

Author Name(s): Anup Gade, Nirupama Bhat, Nita Thakare
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Cloud computing is acting at leading role in world’s technical industry but at the same time it is contributing around 02% in pollution by emitting CO2. It’s probably the most appropriate moment to touch this sensitive area of discussion as global warming and Paris act is a hot cake in the market. The idle terminal in data centers and heat dissipated by these devices makes significant contribution in making atmospheric changes. There is number of algorithms available through which effective load balancing and power saving is possible. Migration of Virtual Machines (VM) so as to reduce requirement of physical machines is taken into under consideration so that overall power consumption will also be reduced. Energy consolidation is also an area where light need to be thrown. It’s time to implement a combinatorial approach where effective changes at server level and client level can make the significant difference. Developing green cloud is need of an era to avoid global carbon foot print.


Green Cloud, Migration of VM, Load Balancing, Data Centers.


In recent business world Cloud Computing is a facility which an organization need not have to own, it’s kind of provision that you can use on rent basis as per organization’s requirement. This concept of cloud makes it more popular and companion to the firms which are not willing or not in a state (small firms) to invest funds in three basic areas where cloud services are available on hire basis. Providing services on rent basis is one of the reason behind popularity of cloud and others are its capacity of storing chunks of data may be Terabytes a day, its ability to provide Quality of Service (QoS), Maintaining the service terms we call it Service Level Agreement (SLA), ease of availability in a single click you can hire it, need not have to worry about its maintenance, etc. Cloud consist of three basic service models at the bottom it lies hardware part generally call it as Hardware as a Service (HaaS) or Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) this layer consist of all hardware required including databases, servers networks devices, etc. Second layer from bottom is Platform as a Service (PaaS) it will provides us the platform for implementation and operation on cloud multiple platforms are available like Xen, VM, Nebula, etc. The top layer is Software as a Service (SaaS) all development tasks are done at this layer. The best examples are Google drive, Facebook,, etc. All these three layers proved its utility and market has accepted the concept of cloud unanimously but there are certain areas where researchers have concerned as, energy consumed by a single data center, minimizing the number of idle machines in data centers, security issues, minimization of SLA violation and converting cloud into smart cloud.

In next sections of article we will see the related works in the area of green cloud further we will see the comparative analysis of various articles. The subsequent sections will cover the discussion part and proposed system to make the cloud echo-friendly.


In this survey article we have compared some of the literatures based on six key areas of VM migration, energy saving, time required to complete allotted tasks, percentage of SLA violations and CPU utilization wherein it has been observed that still there is a significant scope for the improvement and development of the new system through which cloud computing can be truly converted into echo-friendly computing. Our proposed work given in this article is currently in the developing stage out of which our proposed block diagram is given here through which our main intention is to reduced turnaround time, minimize number of physical machines in used, reduced response time and using the capabilities of multi-cores. The system with higher speed, better efficiency with minimum terminals it leads to the reduction in the overall power consumption which ultimately contributed in creating echo-friendly cloud.

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