Author Name(s): O.I. Khairullina
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Food security is significant for any state. The availability of animal proteins is an important part of it, so the production of beef is necessary for Russian Federation. The definition of food security in Russian Federation is closely related to the self-sufficiency in food products through domestic production. A brief review of agrarian policy and the main results on it are given. Since 2010, the standard for the supply of meat and meat products has been set at 85%, in fact, the value of 93% has been achieved in 2016. However, one should note the imbalance in the structure of meat production. As compared to 1990, there was the increase of poultry meat production by 2.6 times. The volume of production of beef has negative changes. In 2017, the share of beef declined to 16%. Thus, 1.6 million tons of products were produced, which is 2.2 times less than in 1990. The number of cattle as the main quantitative factor of production increase, decreased 2.1 times. However, there is the increase of beef cattle number up to 2 million heads (11% of the total number of cattle). The world production of beef continues to increase. However, in recent years, the share of Russia has significantly decreased in total and reached 2.45%. The stagnation of production is evident in the conditions of high costs and unprofitable production. The dominance of the small-commodity sector reduces competitiveness and the increase of product output at a rapid pace. Consumption is a significant factor, which has a negative trend in Russia since 2015 and does not correspond to the indicators of food security (20 kg per person). In 2016, consumption was only 16.5% in the structure of all types of meat consumption. The reason is the purchasing power drop among Russian population. It is necessary to regulate production and consumption at the same time. The results of SWOT-analysis are offered. It is necessary to develop the cooperation in the form of public-private partnership; it is necessary to create the mechanisms for internal food aid among certain population categories.


Beef, Production, Consumption, Food Security, State, Companies.


The provision of population with food is a strategically important task for any state. The consumption of animal proteins is a necessary condition for healthy nutrition and is controlled in the context of food security. The importance of this problem is evidenced by the establishment of the International Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The surveys of case studies are presented analyzing the relations between trade and food (FAO, 2003, McCorriston et al., 2013; Thomas, 2006) [26,33,31,36]. Food provision at the expense of the domestic capabilities of countries is also important. Bingxin Yu, Lingzhi You (2013) proposed the classification of countries within the framework of food security, depending on the type of trade policy, the level of domestic production and the natural and climatic conditions [22]. However, it should be borne in mind that the specialization of production can increase the external vulnerability of countries (Diaz-Bonilla, 2015, Roberto Capone, 2014) [25,34].


It is necessary to take measures by the state that would promote, on the one hand, an effective production of cattle meat and the increase in volumes, and would stimulate the consumption of beef in the framework of rational nutrition, on the other. The organization of an effective cooperation in the form of public-private partnership will help to solve problems. The data presented in the matrix of SWOT analysis should be taken into account during the development of RF bills and programs in order to overcome the crisis of beef production.

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