Author Name(s): *Elena Y. Nuikina, Natalia V. Polyanskova
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Relevance of the studied problem is caused by a role of the provincial museums in preservation of the historical territory heritage, patriotic, esthetic, moral education of youth. The article aims to identify the most popular activities of visitors to museums, museology innovative technologies and their potential as a resource for the development of domestic tourism. The leading methods of a research became: sociological poll of the Samara studying youth aged from 14 up to 25 years, observation, the analysis of the tourist routes projects developed by the municipal museums for participation in a competition on the best route of the small cities and villages of the Samara region. Practical recommendations which can promote increase in interest of the studying youth in visit of the municipal museums are formulated, namely: active introduction an information and communication technologies in the museums work; intensive development of educational entertainment programs, the organization of exhibitions, master classes with use of modern interactive methods; develop programs to optimize the placement of museums in rural areas; improvement of financial investments structure in museum business at the expense of the raised funds. Article submissions will be useful to museum managers, municipalities, the organizers of tourist leisure and tourism industry leaders for more effective organization of museums to increase their attendance.


Museum Services, Patriotic Education, Provincial museum, Samara Region, Tourist Routes.


Internal tourism becomes the most important direction of the Russian economy. It is connected with need of innovative projects and service trades development, reducing a share of the extracting industries in national economy. Feature of an end tourist product – the emotions received by travelers during a trip making tourism one of the priority needs of modern man (Joseph, Pine, Gilmore, 1999) [1]. The Russian researchers note that tourism in the Russian regions is a source of development of small business (Chibir & Shirko, 2015) [2]. It is obvious that the significant role in development of internal tourism in the Russian regions is played the local museums. The modern museum is the not only scientific and educational organization combining selection, restoration, storage and an exposition of historical and cultural values. Today the museum is the difficult multilevel system solving a number of socially important problems among which more and more noticeable positions are taken the art organization of leisure, integration of cognitive and moral and patriotic activity. The museum promotes creation of new resources of the cultural environment. According to D. Throsby’s theory (2001) [3], Professor of Economy at Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia) the cultural capital accumulated in material cultural values can have a considerable impact on the economic growth and the economic stability and investments. At the same time the material and non-material cultural assets may be regarded also both as a final consumption subject and an intermediate product in the process of production of other values influencing the large-scale economic processes and indices. Quite a lot of research examines the potential development of different types of tourism: event, gastronomic (Jakosuo, 2011) [4], cinema (Dzhandzhugazova et al. 2016) [5], however, the role of museums in the development of domestic tourism has been little studied. Article of the Romanian researchers devoted to informative tourism is of interest to this work (heritage tourism) (Surugiu & Surugiu, 2015) [6]. Authors emphasize special sensitivity of this type of tourism to the level of service and information escort of consumers. In modern conditions the municipal museums need to develop strategy of effective development. Its development can be promoted by detection of preferences of potential tourist services consumers and the analysis of the municipal museums readiness for innovative activities according to these preferences.


Based on the results of the study, it is possible to formulate a number of practical recommendations that contribute to attracting students to the museums and
the development of tourist activities of cultural centers: – it’s necessary an active introduction the information and communication technologies in the museums work, the museum promotion through the Internet, the creation and updating of the active site; – intensive development of educational and entertainment programs, the organization of new interesting exhibitions with use of modern interactive methods, the inclusion of these programs and exhibitions in the tourist routes organized by the museums or tourist companies; – it is necessary to work out a program to optimize the museums placement in rural areas in order to implement the affordability of museum services for the village residents, far from the district center, as well as more active use of the practice of traveling exhibitions, master-classes in the towns, where there are no museums. Activities of the provincial museums can become effective if the museums, keeping specifics, national traditions, will keep pace with the times, developing creativity, creativity and identity of the activities, accumulating a maximum of resources from the external environment, including changing of financial investments structure in museum case at the expense of the raised funds.

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