Educational Potential of Voluntary Activity in Work with Student Youth

Author Name(s): *Svetlana V. Karkina, Ilmira F.Kamalova, Gulnar B. Abdirahman
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The presence of volunteer movements is one of the important indicators of the spiritual, moral level of the state, nation, society. Today, new means and ways of forming social initiative of student youth, motivating them to actively participate in socially useful activities, are being sought in the national general and vocational education. Theoretical analysis of a number of studies has allowed us to identify that the problems of upbringing and educating the students can be resolved through the volunteer movement to a large extent. The idea of voluntariness as an unselfish creation of good requires a constant growth and an outlet to higher universal human, moral values from human [1, p. 40].The scientific article presents the results of a theoretical study, the purpose of which was to identify the educational potential of volunteer activity in working with student youth. The study of the effectiveness of using a volunteer activity in work with the student youth was carried out in the process of experimental work. The analysis of the results of research conducted made it possible to reveal the significant educational potential of volunteer activity. The possibility of making free choice, follow their moral impulses, be involved in the cultural process, form a communicative, social responsibility, etc., all this is represented in volunteer activity and can play an important role in the formation of a young man.


Volunteer activity as the personification of culture and civilization is a manifestation of the free will of human, accompanies the development of mankind, the achievement of fair and moral standards of being for many centuries. In this regard, volunteerism, of course, has a huge educational potential.

Studying the phenomenon of volunteer activity as a natural form of manifestation of civic self-awareness, effective practice of moral, social education of youth is becoming more and more in demand today.

The scientists are increasingly concerned with the essence of volunteerism as a free and selfless activity in existing domestic and foreign research. From the perspective of pedagogy and psychology, the works of such Russian scientists as L.N. Antilogova, R.N. Azarova, P.I. Babochkin, V.R. Keyselman (Dorozhkin), E.E. Nasinovskaya et al. are devoted to this problem. [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. The scientists note significant opportunities for voluntary activity in the socialization and education of student youth. The works of D. Kenris, S. Neubert, R. Chaldini, D. Mayers [7, 8] are devoted to the problem of volunteerism abroad. In their research, the scientists consider this problem from the standpoint of altruistic labor.

The educational potential of voluntary activity considered in the article has a philosophical and ethical nature. The phenomenon of volunteerism is based on the socio-historical experience of mankind, the traditions of its existence, that is, the freedom of will and good. These categories are already etymologically laid down in the concept of “volunteering”.

The etymological analysis of the concept of volunteer shows that these are the active subjects of social reality. These are people engaged in charitable activities in the interests of socially unprotected strata of the population. It is important to note that the volunteers knowingly agree to gratuitous labor or a modest remuneration of their labor, while being able to get a higher fee for their work. This concept contains both the subjective aspect of activity and its moral assessment.

To date, the volunteer activities are a familiar social practice in many countries around the world.

Describing the concept of volunteer activity in relation to the world practice of volunteering is one of the forms of selfless social service of citizens at various levels. This activity, based on the free will of citizens, is aimed at providing socially meaningful services to socially unprotected strata of the population and at the same time contributes to the personal growth and development of the volunteers themselves.

Active involvement of students in volunteer activity, of course, contributes to cognitive and emotional development, motivation for socially active behavior and assistance to another person. Inclusion in volunteering improves such aspects of a young person’s personality as participation, responsiveness, sympathy and empathy, forming a desire to participate in the activities that bring undeniable results. This desire can become a need for a young person, orienting him to implement the goals established.



Analyzing the summary tables of the experiment data, we can state that the volunteer activity of student youth has a high educational potential. The results of experimental work showed sufficient effectiveness of the implemented social and creative project “I am a Good Creator”, which manifested itself in the activation of personal attitudes, motives, interest in volunteering; the presence of moral ideals, attitudes, the ability to choose the right, appropriate style of behavior in different life situations with the students; the development of emotional sphere of students, the ability to emotionally respond to an understanding of a person, the manifestation of responsiveness, support, attention to the problems and joys of others.


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