Gifted Students’ Personal Features Comparative Analysis Depending on Style Preferences in Painting

Author Name(s): *Lyubov V. Zaitseva, Irina M. Mayorova, Marina V. Fedorenko, Adnan M. Hakki, IA. Zubarzyat
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The result description of an empirical research of identity features of art gifted students depending on their style preferences in painting is presented in article. The comparative and correlation analysis revealed reliable differences on indicators of scales of lying and hypochondria in Mini-Mult questionnaire; on an indicator of a scale of neuroticism Eysenck Personality Questionnaire; on the 2nd Luscher color test position. The comparative and correlation analysis allows characterizing the gifted students preferring style of painting by large dabs as the people who were more closed and sensitive. They are insufficiently frank and seek to look better at least in the own eyes. The students preferring style of painting by small dabs are characterized by tendency to exaggerate the shortcomings and shortcomings of other people, from here problems in the interpersonal relations and, as a result, problems with socialization.


Throughout almost century scientists tried to understand, measure and explain endowments. Modern theories and empirical researches often are based on earlier works supplementing concepts of talent; they place emphasis that endowments result of infinite practice or the social status. Endowments have different trajectories of development which change, have the beginning, the end and peaks. The opportunities given by society have crucial importance for each point of development of endowments. The aspiration to realize the talents and abilities in the form of transcendental creative deposits will lead to the high level of personal satisfaction and self-updating, and also to practical benefits for society, high achievements are a criterion of endowments [1].

Problems of gifted students are closely connected with the relations which develop in collective and with teachers. The research which was directed to studying of characteristics of teachers of gifted students showed that types of the identity of teachers are in many respects similar to types of the identity of gifted students. These data demonstrate that teachers who as it is considered, are very effective in work with gifted pupils are open and flexible and appreciate the logical analysis. Results show that the identity of the teacher and cognitive style can play a part in his or her efficiency in training of gifted students [2].

Teachers begin to realize importance of inclusion of emotional and social areas when developing approach to training gifted and talented. Concrete actions were selected and tested on places with small groups of students in summer programs at the public and private schools. These actions promoted emotional and social development of gifted and talented people [3,4].


Researches show that art can increase considerably the academic and creative abilities of gifted pupils and cognitive functioning. Training in art is an invitation to use skills of thinking of the artist. The artist visualizes and establishes the purposes to find and define a problem, chooses methods for data collection, and then estimates and reconsiders a solution by means of imagination [8].

From the point of view of the researchers working in the field of endowments, the criticism becomes aggravated in three aspects: endowments diagnostics, efficiency of education for presented and effectiveness of gifted education [9].

Having investigated personal properties of gifted teenagers and young people, aged from 14 up to 25 years, scientists came to a conclusion that all of them need individual psychotherapy as each age period is followed by symptoms of alarm, a depression, and the conflicts [10].

Historically it developed that the research of gifted people was focused on intellectual and academic aspects. Only recently, the emphasis began to be placed on personal factors [11, 12].

Studying of influence of culture on mental development of the person is urgent, more than ever earlier. The cultural and psychological aspect of formation of the personality exerts impact on intellectual development of intelligently gifted teenagers. Nature of this influence of an ambivalent: from socialization and mental regulation to a nevrotization of the personality [13].


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