Forms of the State Support for Disabled Veterans in Tatarstan in Period of the Great Patriotic War

Author Name(s): Vasil T. Sakaev, Valery F. Telishev , Ksenia A. Ermolaeva
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Forms of the state support in days of the Great Patriotic War of the military personnel of Red Army who became disabled people were the research object in this article. The research was conducted on the basis of the published data, materials of media and archival sources. In work both the traditional, and special historical methods corresponding to character of the research purpose were used. The state support of disabled veterans was implemented in five forms, responsibility for which lay on party committees of the All-Union Communist Party (“Bolsheviks”), public authorities which are engaged in social security and also on public organizations (labor unions, “Komsomol”) and military structures (military komissariat). Interaction of these actors had to promote more effective realization of social policy; however, it not always was fruitful. The received results correspond to conclusions of a number of the researchers who were also emphasizing the high importance of this direction of social policy for the Soviet government and it’s, at the same time, low efficiency. Also results expand the available regional researches of social policy during the military period with new data. Results of a research can be useful to expansion of ideas of social history of war and about the nature of social policy of the Soviet state during the specified period.


The modern attention to social policy in the years of war is caused by the fact that position of disabled veterans remained beyond scientific interests of the Soviet historians. So, B. Fiziler specified that “being an undesirable research object, the subject of disabled veterans was studied not systematically, not to mention broad judgment of a problem in general” [1; 290].

Nevertheless, the number of the people who lost working capacity during war and needing social support was extremely high: no less than 2.6 million people [2; 167]. At the same time there are opinions, as this figure is significantly underestimated [1].

Taking into account the huge contingent of disabled veterans, it is necessary to light a role of the state in assistance to disabled veterans on the example of one of regions. Tatarstan where we will try to reveal the main forms of the state support of disabled veterans; its mechanisms can become such example, to estimate as far as they were effective. It is also important to consider specifics of interaction of various structures, such as party committees, public authorities of social security, public organizations and military structures, in the state support of disabled veterans.


Though, in general, the set research tasks were solved by us, but, in too time, a number of new questions within the studied subject was revealed. Unfortunately, during the research we did not manage to give the answer to a question of number and social composition of disabled veterans in the region. In the long term, it is also necessary to pay attention to the general and various in providing disabled veterans in rural and city areas, and also to consider a question of the level of medical care and social rehabilitation of disabled veterans in post-war years.


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