Implementation of the Communicative Competence among Students with the use of Gaming Activities in Biology

Author Name(s): Nadezhda M. Egorova
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The Russian education system has always been noted for its competent. In general, educational institutions, the ideas of a competent approach are realized, first of all, through its educational content. Federal government educational standards of primary general education, basic general education and secondary general education of the generation are based on the ideas of competent approaches. An important task of the schools is the formation of key competencies of students, which determine modern education quality. Communicative competences are one of the key competencies that a trainee must possess. Games are considered to be the most important pedagogical means of forming communicative skills. The use of games in the educational process is widely used in the educational process of biological courses in general education institutions. Such games could extremely diverse in content, nature of cognitive activity and organization. The article presents the results of studies conducted with students of a general educational institution


One of the most important conceptual provisions for updating the content of Russian education is the competence approach.

The leadership of Russia and The Republic of Tatarstan constantly pay special attention to the quality of education. Government orders such as: the New Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”; Federal target program “Development of education of 2011-2015”; “The Concept of the Federal Targeted Program for the Development of Education of 2016-2020”; “Strategy for the development of education in the Republic of Tatarstan of 2010-2015” Kilachek “-” Future “; “Development of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan of 2014-2020”, etc. have been developed and are being implemented.

Within the context of the Russian educational system modernization, the priority national project “Education” (2005) and the National educational initiative “Our New School” (2010) have been put into force.


Based on the conducted research, it can be concluded that the leadership of Russia and the Republic of Tatarstan pay serious attention to the quality of education.

One of the main directions of modernization of Russian education is the active introduction of a competent approach. In accordance with the requirements of the federal government educational standards of the new generation, the trainee must possess a certain set of competencies. One of the most important competences is communicative. Gaming activities of students contribute to the formation and development of communicative competencies.


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