Strategic Orientations for Systemic Modernization of the Russian Fed-eration’s Social Development

Author Name(s): Galina S. Feraru, Mariia N. Dakhova, Vladimir M. Moskovkin, Andrey G. Kornilov
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At the current stage of Russia’s social and economic development the issue of systemic modernization is relevant for several reasons: the collapse of single economy after the Soviet Union disintegration caused the severance of economic relations and entities’ shutdown, commodity dependence of Russian economy in continued capital scarcity inside the country and credit and financial institutions’ system insufficient development, the high natural resource intensity of Russian economy, and continuing degradation of values and norms, spiritual dimensions of nation’s social development violation. Analysis of main economic indicators characterizing domestic economy’s level of development and structure for past two decades confirms the assumptions about the reasons of immediacy of domestic economy’s systemic modernization problem. The intensity of further growth will depend upon the effectiveness of measures taken to eliminate barriers to structural changes in economy, to restructure inefficient companies and industries, to enhance the mobility in the labour market, and to create an effective institutional environment conducive to the development of entrepreneurial initiative.

The challenges of public system modernization are broader than the aspects of economic modernization, since it involves the social and environmental development components. Ivan Yanzul’s four principles show complexity, difficulty, and long-term nature of challenges facing Russian society. These principles could be applied to solve public modernization issues.



The strategic objective of social development, which assumes the creation of smart economy satisfying the general population’s interests and needs, has been formulated in the Annual Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation November 12, 2009. This objective can be achieved through systematic modernization of society covering all aspects of living environment.

The goal of this research is to propose and justify the strategic directions in systemic modernization of the Russian Federation, involving political, economic, technical and technological, and cultural aspects of societal life.


In the Russian Federation, it is an urgent need in systemic modernization of social development. Strategic orientations of Russia should include not only economic, but also other key aspects of societal life. In turn it would ensure a sustainable growth, aimed at improving the quality of life of present and future generations. The sustainable growth will facilitate the lengthy managed democratic process of social transformation at global, regional, and local level.

The «systemic modernization concept» involves various key aspects of societal life. There is a number of reasons for immediacy of systemic modernization problem in the Russian Federation. The key issue in deliberate institutional changes in public administration and public service is a necessity to ensure the consistency between transformation of the institutional system and objective needs of society in different stages of economic and social development. Analysis of main economic indicators characterizing domestic economy’s level of development and structure for past two decades confirms the assumptions about the reasons of immediacy of domestic economy’s systemic modernization problem. Ivan Yanzul’s four principles showing complexity, difficulty, and long-term nature of challenges facing Russian society, could be applied to solve public modernization issues, as modernization of public system issues are broader than the aspects of economic modernization.


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