Spatiotemporal Aspect of the Cluster Systems Evolution

Author Name(s): Olga A. Lomovceva, Boris A. Tkhorikov, Olga A. Gerasimenko, Elena A. Gukova, Svetlana Y. Soboleva, Natalya A.Mamatova
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The article investigates the processes of regional clusters evolution in the space-time continuum. On the basis of spatial-temporal analysis methodology hypothesis of a permanent process of clustering is formulated, which is mediated by the transformation of biological, social, informational, holistic spaces in timeline. Spatial and temporal characteristics of each level create the preconditions to relevant cluster formations. Cluster transformation and deformation in different economic systems are latent, intermittent, their spatial boundaries and time frame can be determined using nonparametric clustering expertise factors. The novelty of the results is a matrix of recombination temporal and spatial processes, allowing us to obtain the profile of processes, indicating the possibility of a positive or negative outcome of the cluster. The field of application of such a matrix can be software-project activities to establish regional points of growth, production localization and cluster initiatives. Continued research is possible in the direction of determining the profile of a particular cluster in comparison with the reference, generating maximum number of positive effects.


The problem of the conjugation of the spatial and temporal aspects of the study of economic organization territorial forms is traditional for the regional economy as a science, its early theories of productive forces, the formation of spatial agglomeration and economic zoning. In this study the authors attempt to examine through the prism of the space-time continuum clusters, reveal inherent patterns and certain specific properties. For this let’s pre-formulate the concept of the continuum and the context of its use in the article.

Historically and currently, there are two main concepts of “space – time”: the substantial (ancient atomists Democritus, Newton) and the relational (Plato, Aristotle) [1, 2, 3]. The first is that space and time are independent of each other, from the material world and from the processes of activity [2]. Relational concept of considering space and time are not as distinct, independent of matter, the spirit, and as a form of existence of things. The space and time interact; their unity creates the form of material objects. A simple view of reality: the world is a set of (continuum) event, which has four dimensions – three spatial ones, and the fourth – time. So there is the concept of space-time continuum. Space and time are not only determined by the processes, events that occur in them and there, but the form and produce historical phenomena and nature. Modern understanding of the interaction of a continuum of products is: “Economic relations are a particular form of manifestation of space-time relations” [4]. With regard to the forms of the spatial organization of production should also say that they – the product space-time continuum.

In development there is no beginning and end, it is continuous, but the levels vary. The first level of spatial forms of organization of material objects is a biological space (biosphere), becoming the basis for the subsequent transformation [5]. Then the biological space creates society, the social space [6], with time – economic [7]. Going through the levels is carried out by “absorption” of one another space on the principle of “Russian dolls”, where each higher level incorporates the previous space. Ultimately, all of them – “biological”, “social”, “economic” absorbed the entire space of “information.” Authors venture to suggest that the next level of society development becomes the space of noosphere, which is the existence of the environment in the broadest sense, the environment, holistic form of our existence [8 ] (Figure 1).


The hypothesis of a permanent cluster process requires evidence-the evidence base for a long historical period of observation. On each selected time interval may need different diagnostic tools, ranging from field research and the collection of primary data from sources to the analysis of historical and archival data. We believe that the continuity of the process provided by cluster interference, i.e. superposition of varieties of clusters in different historical periods on certain space. Each new historical level carries the development of cooperation networks, enabling them to any extension or transformation or diversification. Increment of spatial formation upon application of clustering levels promotes a positive economic effect in market systems or political decisions of expediency in the non-market systems. This does not mean that the process must be definitely infinite and cannot lead to degradation of the territory. The development of old industrial clusters in the Ruhr area (Germany) [16, 17, 18], Birmingham (USA) and Manchester (England) [19], their crisis, transformation and diversification suggest the development of interoperability throughout the XX and XXI centuries.

The authors proposed the hypothesis of the influence of the space-time continuum, the results of which are different forms of agglomerate, it is universal. In the short time interval the special cases are modeled and presented as sets of recombined spatial and temporal profiles, positive and negative, revealing the possibility of designing a cluster policy in the region and the state.


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