Integral Pattern of Bench Stability on all Adjacent Rock Of Open-Pit Mine in Solid Rocks

Author Name(s): Nikolay A. Godovnikov, Aleksander V. Konovalov, Vladimir A. Dunaev, Ignat M. Ignatenko
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The article presents the integrated image of bench stability across the entire adjacent pit area on the basis of a probabilistic method to predict the azimuth-angular parameters of cracks that limit the potential prisms of the pit bench collapse that are put in the final position, as well as those planned to be set to the limiting contour in the form of a software component as the part of the specialized geoinformation GIS system “Stability”.

The computer technology for the probabilistic prediction of the most frequently encountered types of the quarry pit deformation is developed: a wedge and a flat one. The efficiency of this technology is proved by the example of the Kovdorsky MPP (Russia, Murmansk region) by the means of the comparative analysis concerning the actual and probabilistic location of these types of deformations, which showed the confinement of bench deformations to the sections of the quarry, limited by the isolines of such deformations occurrence probability within 80-100%. This technology is applicable to any quarries in rock massifs.


The main cause of quarry bench deformations in rock massifs are differently oriented fracture disruptions (cracks), which form potential prisms of collapse by themselves or in combination with each other at certain spatial relationships with the slopes and the berms of ledges. A prompt and a reliable prediction of potential collapse prisms is the basis for a safe conduct of open-cast mining.

The forecast of quarry ledge deformations consists in the obtaining of an integral picture of ledge stability along the adjacent pit area of ​​the quarry in the form of isolines for the probability of deformation manifestation. The development of sets for potential collapse prisms to develop the contours along them is carried out by the probabilistic method of forecasting in respect of their azimuthal-angular parameters [1, 2] realized as a software component of PF Stability as the part of the specialized geoinformation system GIS Stability [3, 4], developed on the basis of mining and geological GIS GEOMIX [5] and inheriting its functional possibilities. This computer technology is based on the following algorithm (Fig. 1).


  1. The authors of the article have developed and tested the technique and the computer technology of probabilistic forecasting concerning the position of potential deformations of ledges in rock massifs on the current quarry.
  2. The positive results of such approbation make it possible to recommend the use of this technology at any quarries in rock massifs.


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[5] State registration certificate of the computer program №2004612469 “Mining and geological information system GEOMIX” (GIS GEOMIX). 9.11.2004.

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