Socio-Ecological Education of Students

Author Name(s): Vera S. Shilova, Natali L. Shechovskay, Ilya F. Isaev, Victoria B. Tarabaeva, Svetlana I. Tarasova
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In this article, we consider the results of theoretical and practical analysis of the problem of means in the system of higher professional education. These results acted as a starting point for studying the phenomenon of means in the context of the socio-ecological education of student youth. As a result, we identified the following general groups of educational tools: natural objects and their reproductive means, images and displays of phenomena, objects and processes of the surrounding socio-ecological environment, technical means, textbooks and study guides.


One of the most important features of the development of modern society is the further exacerbation of social and environmental contradictions. The necessity of their resolution is conditioned by the need to preserve the favorable conditions of the environment of the mankind life, its health and the health of each person, the nature potential for sustainable social progress.

An important place in overcoming these contradictions is given to student youth. However, the effectiveness of solving emerging social and environmental problems is largely determined by the degree of its preparedness, already acquired experience of interaction with the natural environment, the ability to study, protect, renew and restore natural conditions and resources. Hence there is a need for a special – social and environmental – education for student youth. It is closely intertwined with professional training, because each profession, in one way or another, is connected with the natural environment, uses its potential and, at the same time, has certain possibilities for preserving and renewing nature.

On the other hand, the social and environmental education of students is largely determined by a special system of means of its formation, which also enhance the effectiveness of the pedagogical process as a whole. It should be noted that the problem of means in the system of higher professional education has been never left without scientists’ attention. Many foreign researchers have repeatedly applied to it both in the field of natural and humanitarian sciences: Markovich D. G.,1991; Meadows D., Randers J., Meadows D., 2008; Kofler W., 2012; Catton W.R., DanlapR.E., 1978; Paul Ecre., 1981; Trommer G., 1993;Bohac J., Kohout P., Janova Z., 2012;Wakai I., 2012 et al.

Let us add that the open classes in nature, special project days and weeks, the development of environmental games based on the desire to awaken a holistic emotional perception of the natural environment are in priority in the environmental education, for example, in England, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, the United States and Canada (Environmental Protection Agency of the United States, 2009). There are non-governmental organizations, for example, the Field Studies Council in the UK.  It has a network of 17 field training centers located throughout the country. FSC conducts extra-curricular activities for children of adjacent schools in the form of 3-4-day field workshops, the organization of study and orientation tours, trips for children with parents, students and pensioners. Another example is the Creek Farm Education Associates in the United States, a non-governmental educational organization created to promote the principles and approaches of “naturalistic” education (Environmental Protection Agency of the UNITED STATES, 2009. – PP.1–13).

Among domestic scientists who laid the didactic basis of the system of higher education, it is necessary to name the works of Arkhangelsky S.I., 1978; Skatkin M.N., 1982; Talyzina N.F., 1984; Krivitsky B.Kh., 1986; Menyaev A.F., 1996; Popkov V.A. and Korzhueva A.V., 2001; Smirnov S.D., 2007; Slastenin V.A., 2007; et al.

As for the means for the proper environmental education of student youth, which is the basis of socio-ecological education, first of all, the studies of Mamedov N.M., 1996; Glazachev S.N., 1998; Sitarov V.A., Pustovoitov V.V., 2000; Mazur I.I., 2001; Shilova V.S., 2006; Glazacheva O.A., Gagarin A.V., 2011; Grishaeva Yu.M., KosonozhkinV.I., 2013, et al. should be noted.


Summarizing, we note that the selection of means in the process of social and environmental education of students is carried out taking into account its specific conditions, the age characteristics of students, the educational and material base, the experience of the teacher’s professional activities. The identified means are used both in the process of individual work with students, and in group, frontal and combined forms. The considered element of the process of socio-ecological education of students, in turn, is the content of a certain pedagogical technology that implements the functions and tasks of this process.

At the same time, the study has shown the need for further search for effective means of social and environmental education for students, the development of diagnostic and teaching technologies, creating conditions that optimize the interaction between the teacher and the students.


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