Anticipation of Individuals with Communication Disabilities: Problem Current State Review

Author Name(s): Nadezhda A. Saifullina*1, Anna I. Akhmetzyanova2
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The urgency of the problem is specified by the global growth of children with severe speech disorders, the need to develop a comprehensive psychological care for the people of this category. According to the generally accepted principles of modern psychology, verbal behavior is based on probabilistic forecasting. Probabilistic forecasting, anticipation determines a particular type of human behavior – a verbal one. The purpose of this article is to carry out the theoretical analysis of domestic psychologist works, revealing the main aspects of modern research on the anticipation of persons with communication disabilities. The need for more in-depth study of speech function communicative components of the speech function is revealed, one of which is prediction. Among the persons with communication disabilities, this component has distinctive features that have not been subjected to a comprehensive study. The materials of the article can be used in the work of psychologists and the experts of the correctional profile


One of the most important higher mental functions, which play a priority role in mental development, is the speech function. It is the development and the mastery of communication skills that creates the foundation for child’s specific social contacts. The global nature of this problem is conditioned by the indicators of the statistics data. In recent years there has been a steady increase in the number of children with disabilities, including those who suffer from severe speech disorders. As of January 1, 2015, the number of children with health opportunities was 590.4 thousand in the Russian Federation, which in dynamics characterizes the increase of this category number over a three-year period (in 2013 – 582.2 thousand, in 2012 – 571.5 thousand). The number of special educational institutions for children with severe speech pathology is 65 with 10,964 of students.

At the present time, the attention of psychologists is directed to a new topical trend, namely, the study of anticipatory solvency characteristics among the persons with speech pathology. The forecasting of speech reflects some fragment of the previous experience in the unity of its perceptive, cognitive and affective characteristics, the perspective of this experience and the attitude towards it (Ananiev, 2008). The anticipation of persons with communication disabilities has distinctive characteristics, however, a holistic study of the anticipatory consistency of individuals with communication disorders was not conducted.

Analyzing the problem of the communicative function of anticipation study, it is worth noting that in many studies the processes of foresight act as the function of highly organized processes and the conscious activity of a subject. It has a clear relation: the goal and the expected result determine the activity of an individual. Therefore, without anticipation it is impossible either to form a goal of an activity, or to identify the tasks, or its planning, or the current regulation, i.e. even a brief examination of activity structure shows that the processes of anticipation “permeate” all of its elements.

The significance and the relation of anticipatory solvency with speech activity were studied and described in the works of foreign and domestic scientists: A. Foucart et al. (2014), D.M. Clark (2003), R.M. Frumkina. (1974), I.A. Zimnyaya (2001), E.A. Sergienko (2015), A.I. Akhmetzyanova (2014). They stressed that anticipation is one of the basic processes that determines a full-fledged speech development. According to the works of the listed authors, anticipation is the mechanism for “pre-tuning” of speech processes, ensuring the ability to reproduce and understand an addressed speech.

One of the priority areas of special psychology is the high level of social adaptation of persons suffering from speech pathology. T. N. Volkovskaya (2016) notes that the possibility of psychological characteristics of children differentiation with impaired communication means provides the analysis of communicative disadaptation structure from the perspective of the traditional approach in psychology to the evaluation of mental activity structure on the basis of its motivational and operational component allocation. The communication competence can be improved due to the development of anticipatory abilities of persons with communication disabilities. This aspect is the fundamental basis for the successful socialization of this category of persons.

At its core, anticipation is an integral part of any mental process, among which a special place is taken by speech (León-Cabrera, Rodríguez-Fornells & Morís, 2017). The study of anticipatory solvency is of special interest to experts when they deal with various types of speech pathology. A number of studies showed that in various forms of speech behavior within the norm (for example, in the perception and the processing of speech information), a person relies on a speech forecast (Jackson et al., 2017). The works by R. M. Frumkin (1974) emphasize that the speech mechanisms of a man have a certain organization of words by frequency.

The strengthening of anticipation is carried out according to the general laws of psyche maturation. The retardation factor of the anticipation development is possible due to the influence of unfavorable external and internal circumstances at the stage of early ontogenesis, which can lead to total or partial asynchrony of intellectual activity.


Dealing with the persons who have communication disabilities, it is possible to rely on the regulatory function of anticipation and use it as a system-forming component of a targeted correctional process organization. Thus, it is possible to provide a qualitatively new level of active and conscious activity of individuals with the disorders of communication in the process of complex psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation and socialization. This result will be achieved through the participation of this category of persons in the planning, organization and the conduct of some elements of corrective activities.

It should be noted that, despite the availability of qualitative research, structurally developed approaches to the problem of anticipatory solvency, the problem of a comprehensive study of the anticipation communicative function remains particularly relevant in the scientific community.


The work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.The research was carried out with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan within the framework of the research project № 17-16-16004 “Prognostic competence of younger schoolchildren with disabilities in the prevention of deviations”.


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