Unified Approach to Software Development of Automated Control Systems for Oil Equipment

Author Name(s): Aleksey N. Iliukhin1*, Shafik Sh. Khuzyatov2, Rustam A. Valiev3
Author Email: ANIljuhin@kpfu.ru


We proposed a decision to reduce the volume of works performed when developing the automated process control systems for oil production, the complexity of which is due to a large number of parameters and data, as well as their diverse interrelationship. The implemented pattern-software design is based on the uniformity of algorithms for processing sensor data and generating control signals for the actuators at the oil production facilities. In the developed template projects, we predetermined the structure and functionality of the software of both the lower and the upper levels of the automated control systems. As the elements of a low hierarchical level, we adopted the same type of project objects such as analog signals, latches, pumps, liquid and gas meters. For them, we identified the data types, ways of their storage and organization of the inter-level exchange, controls functionality in the template projects of the lower and upper levels. The predefined architecture greatly simplifies the development of software for the specific automated control systems, shortens the design and implementation time. Template projects for the oil production facilities are developed on the basis of hardware and software automation tools of the Company Siemens AG. The universal nature of the approaches of the proposed methodology makes it possible to use the template design of the automated control systems in other industries as well.


It is used a large number of sensors and actuators in the automation of oil production facilities, the data from which are used in the software of both lower and upper levels of the automated process control systems (APCS). Due to the intensive information flow from the process equipment, as well as their complex interrelationship, the creation of the APCS software becomes a complex task that requires high skill of programmers and a large amount of time.

In many oil production facilities, such as a preliminary water discharge unit, booster pump station, gas turbine unit for associated petroleum gas utilization, the algorithms for processing sensor data and generating control signals for the actuators are the same. From the point of view of automation, the difference from each other in the number of actuators and sensors is characteristic for these objects. This makes it expedient to use template projects in which the software structure and functionality of the lower and upper levels are predetermined [1 – 3].

The use of modern software development tools for the controllers and SCADA-systems greatly simplifies the process of creating a control system [4, 5]. But with a large number of sensors and actuators, the software development for the APCS requires a lot of time. At the same time, it should be noted that the information processing and data exchange via the network between the user program of the controller and the human-machine interface software takes place in a real time mode [6].


The developed technique greatly simplifies the process of designing software for the automated process control systems with a large number of the same type of automation elements.

The structure and functionality of the software of the automated process control system are predetermined in the template projects created on the basis of this methodology. Predetermination of the functionality of controls, the ways of data storage, as well as the organization of exchange between the lower and upper level software, greatly facilitates the adaptation of these projects in accordance with the requirements of a particular control system.

The lower level software is created on the basis of a template project, while it is necessary to determine the number of elements of a corresponding array for each type of actuator and sensor. When creating the upper level software using a special utility, a template project is first copied, and then the required number of tags is created and a process mnemonic diagram is developed using the graphical objects of typical sensors and actuators.


Template design has shown its effectiveness in the development of APCS software for various oil production facilities. At the same time, the project cost is significantly reduced by reducing the development and implementation time, as well as using less skilled software developers. The universal nature of approaches makes this technique universally valid for the automation of various industrial facilities.


The work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.


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