Transformational Technique of Interactive Systems Development

Author Name(s): Arslan I. Enikeev, Victor O. Georgiev, Rustam A. Burnashev
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In recent years there  has  been  a  great  deal  of   interest  in  developing  the  interactive   systems.  A wide variety of class of  pгоb1ems  requiring  an  interactive wау of  solution  and  new  facilities  represented   by  computers  project  development  of the new  interactive systems.   In  order  to  increase  the  efficiency  of a development  process  and  to  attain  high  qua1ity of  these  systems  we  need  the  appropriate  technological tools. Among  such  technological  tools  transformational  technique  of  software  development  seems  to  be  very   useful [1,2] . This technique  provides  a  possibility  of  computer-assisted transformation  of  programs  according  to  given  transformation  rules  to  generate new programs or to make reduction  (optimizing)   of  existing  ones.   In  this  report  we consider  an  app1ication  of  transformationa1  technique  to interactive  system  development.  We  represent  а соnсeptua1  model   of  an  interactive system  with  the  special  functions  providing  an  interactive  control and methods  of  transformation  of  the “scenario”  type interactive system into equivalent system  with  the “built-in”  program  interaction.  Such  transformation  seems  to  be reasonable  in  case  of repeatedly  reusing  the  same  scenario  in  order  to increase the  efficiency  of  a  dialogue  interaction.  The  conceptions  and  methods  represented  in  the  report  were  applied  to the  development  of  interactive  tools  supporting  СAD , Data  Base  and  СAI- systems.


The Principles of Transformational Technique.

An implementation of transformational technique requires а conceptualization of the basic programming constructions. Therefore we need  an  appropriate  formalism  to  provide  a  specification  and  analysis of  the  respective  constructions.  Hoare’s calculus [4] seems to be well suited to the requi­rements.

Let  the  variable  names  х, у,…  denote  the   values taken by  these  variables before execution of  a  statement P. Use dashed variables  x’, y’, … to denote  the  possible  final values  which  may  be  taken  by  these  variables when  the  statement  P  terminates.  A  specification  of  statement P can  now be  formulated  as  a predicate  P (x, y, … x’, y’, …)  which  shows  how the variables x, y, …  changed  after terminating  the  statement  P.

We  shall  assume  that  we  are  interested  only  in  program  variables x and  у:   the  discussion  is  readily  adapted  to  different  sets  of  program  variables.


In  several   cases,   it  is  convenient   to  specify   programs  by   а  set of  equations  representing  the  definite  properties.  A derivation   of  an   algorithm  (synthesis)  from   a  formal   specification  can  be  made on the base of so-called  rewriting  rules,   or  more general of the conception of algebraic  approach  of  programming.   This conception, closely related to transformational technique seems to be useful for the development of interactive systems.   In further publications authors hope to represent the respective   results.



The work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.


[1] Ershov A.P. Mixed computation: potential applications and research issues. Proceedings of the International Symposium “Theory and Practice of Computer Software,” Part 1, Novosibirsk, 1981

[2] Parasyuk I.N., Ershov S.V. The transformational approach to the development of software architectures based on fuzzy graph models. Cyberneticsand Systems Analysis, 2008, number 5, page 139 – 150.

[3] Georgiev V.O., Yenikeev A.I. Transformation Approach in Dialogue Systems Engineering. SOFTWARE & SYSTEMS. № 1, 1992, 9 – 17.

[4] C.A.R. Hoare. Specifications, Programs and Implementations. //Oxford University Computing Laboratory, PRG, 1982.

[5] C.A.R. Hoare. A calculus of total correctness for communicating processes. //Oxford University Computing Laboratory, PRG, 1981

[6] Enikeev A.I. С.A.R. Hoare. Theoretical model interacting successive processes for the dialog systems menu. Mathematics Magazine, number 3, 1987, pp 28-36



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