Self-Regulatory Organizations in Russia and European Countries: Current State and Prospects of Development

Author Name(s): 1Lilia A. Sungatullina, Andrey V. 2 Mikhaylov, 3 Aygul V. Valeeva, 4 Anna I. Kovshova
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This paper presents the legal nature of self-regulation, the legal status and functions of self-regulating organizations, notes the advantages of self-regulation before state regulation and control. The problems of development of self-regulation, the influence of historical features of the development of countries on the current state of self-regulation are considered. The experience of development and the current state of self-regulation in Russia and in European countries are analyzed. Features of functioning of self-regulating organizations uniting SROs of different countries are described. Separate features characteristic to self-regulation in individual spheres of entrepreneurial activity and the most striking features of self-regulating organizations of individual European countries are specified. The authors consider the current state of the legislation on self-regulation in Russia and the prospects for its improvement. There are identified features of the functioning of self-regulating organizations in the Russian Federation; differences in the development of self-regulation in Russia and the EU are revealed. At the same time, the research conducted allows us to draw a conclusion about common goals, trends, problems and directions of development of self-regulation in Russia and European countries. The authors come to the conclusion that it is necessary to further improve the legislation on self-regulation in Russia, as well as on the need for further study and adoption of positive European experience in the development and functioning of self-regulating organizations.


Effective conduct of economic policy is one of the most important tasks of any state. In many respects, the effectiveness of the economy depends on the properly chosen and adequate legal regulation. For some spheres of the economy, state control and administrative measures of influence are preferable. Other spheres are more successful when the market entities are given with the opportunity to independently establish business standards. The search for a balance between the state impact and the provision of opportunities for entrepreneurs to establish their own rules of doing business has led to the emergence of self-regulation and self-regulating organizations.


As a whole, for today self-regulation is the most perfect system of management of economy branches. Self-regulation is much more fair and productive, rather than pressure on business from above on the part of power structures.


In order for the world to become better, constructive social activity is needed, to which professional self-regulation in various spheres of the economy can be fully applied.



The work is carried out according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.



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