Specifics of Integration Processes Development between Russia and Abkhazia

Author Name(s): Timur Z. Mansurov, Andrey V. Ivanov, Andrey G. Bolshakov, Elena A. Tereshina
Author Email: timur-man333@mail.ru


Research objective is detecting features and contradictions in integration processes between Russia and Abkhazia. The historical and cultural, social and economic, political, strategic relations of two countries are considered. A number of the contracts promoting development of integration of two states after recognition of independence of Abkhazia by Russia are analyzed. It is emphasized that forming close cooperation and integration becomes possible only after recognition of independence of the former Georgian autonomy and establishment with it diplomatic relations. Special attention is paid to specifics of integration form of Russia and Abkhazia, as well as positive and negative factors in its development. Contradictions of the integration processes connected, in particular, with existence of the competing regional projects developing in the Georgia – the European Union and Russia – Abkhazia – the Eurasian Economic Union formats are analyzed. Economic opportunities of Abkhazia and the prospect of development of the relations with the states of South Caucasus are emphasized. In article it is noted that signing of “The contract between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Abkhazia on alliance and strategic partnership” made active the project of construction of the national state assuming independence and carrying out independent foreign and domestic policy. Despite sufficient asymmetry in the relations of two countries, their further development is mutually advantageous process. Authors come to a conclusion that participation of Abkhazia in integration processes with Russia opens not only new opportunities of economic development, but also promotes the solution of political affairs, including the interethnic conflicts.


The problem of development of the relations between “the unrecognized states” and the states having the international recognition draws the increasing attention of both domestic and foreign researchers. Relevance to the matter is given by the political transformations happening on the former Soviet Union within which “the unrecognized states” try to build the integration projects promoting their “survival” and independent development. Their quality and extent of realization in the conditions of lack of full international recognition depends on stability of the state institutes and development of the relations with the regional countries.

Today the works devoted to a research of specifics of integration process between Russia and Abkhazia, slightly. They suffer from lack of the complex analysis of this problem. At the same time, studying of features of integration will help to understand and offer versions of the solution of the existing complex of contradictions and the conflicts in social, economic, political and other spheres affecting Russia and Abkhazia as well as the states of South Caucasus. The proceeding processes demand scientific judgment and the analysis, and the competent prevention of the arising conflicts will promote ensuring stability and safety of the region.


Signing of the contract on alliance and strategic partnership gave an additional impulse of activation of request of the Abkhazian society for implementation of the project of construction of the national state assuming independence and independence in domestic and foreign policy. Despite existing concern and the fears connected, on the one hand, with aspiration to independent development, and, on the other hand, creation of the asymmetric relations between the countries are not taken by Russia any actions directed to restriction of sovereignty of Abkhazia. The signed contract, considering rough and long discussions concerning its contents, acted as result of compromises between the parties, and noted condition of the Abkhazian society is explained rather by difficulties of social and economic development and crisis processes the former Soviet Union, than contents of the contract.


The work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.


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