The Foreign Students’ Communicative Competence Development in the Tatar Language

Author Name(s): Rashat N. Yakupov, Kadriya S. Fatkhullova, Elvira N. Denmukhametova, Kuandik S. Kulmanov
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Article is devoted to a problem of foreign students’ communicative competence development in Tatar receiving higher education in KFU and according to curricula learning Tatar in a certain volume. In recent years the teachers of IFMK of L. Tolstoy developed manuals for new generation foreign students’ training in Tatar on the basis of system and activity approach and having a communicative focus. Thanks to them students have an opportunity practically to master Tatar as means of interpersonal and cross-cultural communication. Relevance of this article is explained by these factors. Article lights methodical system of speech development, language and sociocultural competences of students in main types of speech activity in the course of studying Tatar. When developing manuals for teaching Tatar to foreign students’ authors relied on long-term experience in this direction, on innovation in the field of training in foreign languages, modern achievements of linguo-didactics. Approbation of the developed tutorials is carried out when training students at various institutes of KFU, as well as on Tatar courses in which the representatives of the different countries who arrived to the Republic of Tatarstan to study or work study. Introduction in practice of training in Tatar of the manuals developed by authors promotes improvement of communicative abilities of foreign students, realization of the set educational objects.


Among many languages having ancient historical roots in the person of written monuments also Turkic languages among which worthy place is taken also by the modern Tatar literary language which is by quantity speaking this language the second language after Russian in the Russian Federation remain. In the last decades Tatar as a state language of RT is one of subjects at institutes of the Kazan federal university. For improvement of language education in modern conditions it is necessary to lift to qualitatively new methodical level teaching Tatar as nonnative and to introduce modern tutorials in practice of training; to constantly increase the social importance of Tatar. One of activities of department of general linguistics and Turk Study of Institute of philology and cross-cultural communication of L. Tolstoy of KFU is training in Tatar of the foreign citizens coming to our higher education institution on training within programs of the academic mobility as well as the students studying in the different directions of preparation. First who became interested in studying Tatar in the Kazan University were our German colleagues from Institute of a Turk Study of Free university of Berlin. In the next years representatives of the USA, Japan, Korea, Finland, Japan, Holland, France and other countries showed interest in studying Tatar. The geography of the citizens learning Tatar extends every year.

Research objective – is to develop and introduce in practice of training in Tatar of foreign students of the tutorial of new type according to the set educational purposes, aimed at the communicative competence development of students. In scientific research various aspects of training in Tatar as nonnative were considered, but the problem of foreign students’ communicative competence development in Tatar was not object of special studying.


Only security of educational process with new tutorials to Tatar of foreign students allows achieving the expected results. Optimum organized process of teaching Tatar as foreign trains the identity of the student for adequate perception of other culture, the conscious relation to the existing stereotypes, promotes development of own line of conduct in various situations of cross-cultural contacts. A guarantor of successful work of teachers is the experience of scientific and methodical and educational activity accumulated by them, innovative potential, aspiration to constantly improve the skills, to be aware of all latest techniques in the field of teaching Tatar as foreign.


The research is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.


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