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Renewable energy has been a subject of research owing to the continuous environmental concerns across the globe. The overall power factor of the power systems is reduced due to DC energy fed to the grid using electronic energy inverters. Increased grid load due to poor power factor triggers losses in the grid. Active and reactive power can be produced by proper control of multistage inverters. Instantaneous reactive power theory enables the control of the active currents and reactive currents of the inverter by regulating the amplitude and phase angle of the inverter. This paper deals with the instantaneous reactive power theory by implementing the hysteresis current controller. The proposed control scheme consists of instantaneous reactive power theory (IRPT) based on the current source inverter (CSI) to suppress harmonic currents and reactive power compensation. Improvement of the power factor through compensation of the reactive power at an ideal level was attempted using the control system of grid-connected photovoltaic systems. The effectiveness of the proposed control strategy was implemented with the help of simulation using MATLAB/SIMULINK.
Containing the stress of the main transmission systems using renewable energy is a topic most sought after by researchers. Employing photo-voltaic (PV) cell modules, harnessing solar power has become one of the most viable sources of renewable energy. The efficiency of the PV cells can be fully trapped under myriad situations of solar intensities and temperatures incorporating altered control system using MPPT technology. Conforming to the standard power quality norms is essential while integrating renewable energy sources into the grid. Power quality issues in a grid-connected solar PV system include: – Supply side, viz. power factor, reactive power mitigation, voltage regulations, and – Non-linear loads on the solar power harness assembly creating sags, swell or under voltage, over voltage and dynamic momentary fluctuations.
The grid-connected solar PV system is presented here for active power-sharing as well as the reactive power compensation of the connected load. The solar PV system injects just active power in the system and not reactive power so, the load requirement of the active power from the grid gets reduced and the power factor of the system at PCC decreases. The advancement in power electronics and digital control technology has capacitated the PV systems are now regulated to step up the system operation with improved PQ at PCC. In this paper, control of an existing grid interfacing inverter with instantaneous reactive power theory (IRP) with the hysteresis current controller is presented using MATLAB/Simulink. The grid interfacing inverter in the presented system can be used to reactive power compensation and current harmonics compensation at PCC. The MATLAB simulation study results show the effectiveness and flexibility of the proposed scheme for variable loading conditions also
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