Design of Vision based Intelligent Lane Detection and Tracking under Different Conditions

Author Name(s): Manoj K. Demde, Dr.Prashant Sharma
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This work gives a detailed account of putting into effect of a intelligent based Kalman filter and hough transform algorithm to detect and track a lane. In this model the camera is put on the vehicle(car) by recorded the real time video. The video is taken by camera will go to the different image processing steps which includes Intensity image, In Image processing steps RGB to Gray conversion is important in this paper because our challenging task is to detect and track lane under different light ,different weather and different lane conditions. In every conditions the parameters of RGB and Gray image are varied and due to this the performance of detection and tracking of lanes are poor. Hence we design a intelligent system by using fuzzy. First Find out the parameters of RGB and Intensity image of all the scenarios and apply to the fuzzy system for better performance of detection and track of lane. After that changing size, Interested region , Edge detection , hough transform and Kalman filter algorithm used to detect and track Lane. Lane detection and lane tracking techniques various mathematical tools which are used to detect and track lanes clearly. So many lane detection and lane tracking algorithms used their such as Hough transform, Ransec , Particle filter The most commonly algorithms used are Hough transform and Kalman filter algorithm. In this work of making observations we give out with MATLAB SIMULINK model for Hough transform and kalman filter algorithm which are used to detect and track lanes. In this work of making observations work as first started to make a real time video of Lane taken by camera in dissimilar light, weather and road conditions is processed by using image processing algorithms , Edge detection, Lane detection, Lane tracking to detect and track lane. In this work of making observations we give out with MATLAB SIMULINK design to be for image processing steps and Sobel edge detection algorithm, Hough transform and kalman filter algorithm.


Lane detection and lane Tracking is important part of the LDWS because most of the traffic accidents were caused due to the vehicle move towards the Lane either left side or right side unintentionally and also the negligence of the driver. The purpose of Lane detection and lane tracking is to reduce the number of traffic accidents and to improve the safety. The hough transform is used in image processing for extracting the features of an image. It finds the imperfect instances of an object within a group of shapes by a voting procedure. This procedure is done in parameter space, where object candidates are obtained as local maxima in an accumulator space that is explicitly constructed by the algorithm for computing the Hough transform. Kalman Filter is used for estimation and prediction of steps.


By using intelligent system which are applied in RGB to gray image at different conditions based on all the parameters ie Min, max, mean, std. deviation and varience which are easy to detect and to track Lane properly using Hough transform and Kalman Filter in different light, different weather and different road conditions and which are used in LDWS to reduce traffic accidents. . Here we are dealing with result of the Lane detection and Lane Tracking on a real time video by using Kalman filter, Hough transform and sobel edge detection technique in modelling type by using the Matlab/Simulink. We are concentrating how the Hough Transform and Kalman Filter works. This Intelligent based technique of detecting and tracking the Lane gives good result. This Hough Transform and kalman filter gives better results in case of any condition. The computations are less complex. This research reported Lane detection and Lane Tracking system of different scenarios like weather, Light and road conditions based on images taken from video camera mounted on the vehicle. In this system, lower parts of the input frames out of the video sequence, image is performed, Edge detection and auto thresholding operation.

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