Application of Hand, Head and Heart: Going the Extra Mile

Author Name(s): Mr. Santosh Dwivedi, Dr. Ruchi Sao, Mr. Parag Gokhale
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This paper attempts to establish a connection between work culture and performance of employees. The trend started during the industrial revolution. In Manchester, United Kingdom, was involved majorly in making fabrics for garments. Manchester came to be known as biggest industrial hub. The workers were driven to perform and were using their skills with hands to finish the tasks. Thought the quality of work was very good, the time required was a bit lengthy. Then, came the phase where United States adopted time and motion study and defined each step in the process minutely. This phase came to be known as use of hands and head both. Later, Japanese companies wanted to become the market leaders in the field of world class manufacturing. They thought about improvement of processes and realized the fact that the employees need to be devoted to their work and apply their heart. Japanese companies became the leaders in world class manufacturing with the motto of use of hand, head and heart. Application of head leads to satisfaction of heart. The target of all companies today should not be mere attendance of employees at work for 8 hours. Times have changed and so we need to change perspectives. Every data needs to be in quantifiable nature wherein KRA’s are created and measured. The paper will discuss areas of concern which will help organizations to improve in terms of quality and employees in term of belongingness and performance.

Keywords : Culture, Performance, Problem Solving, Quality Improvement, Task Achievement


During the industrial revolution, there were a lot of changes in the field of manufacturing processes. However, many companies in various countries were in the transit period due to which some industries were trying to change in terms of technology. During this period, Manchester was majorly involved in making fabrics for garments. Manchester came to be known as biggest industrial hub in the textile sector. The workers were driven to perform and were using their skills with hands to finish the tasks which became their unique selling point in the business. They became leading exporters of the end products. However, these products were hand crafted due to which time and energy required from the workers was very high. Thought the quality of work was very good, the time required was a bit lengthy. This period saw use of ‘hand’ which means that skills were used abundantly but probably not with precision and in the right direction.


If one must play in business to win, following the number theory is very important. Sincere attempts to links SMART goals with numbers would surely help in process improvement across the hierarchy. The meetings and reviews need to take place based on numbers. The complete fusions need to be there. Numbers will help to bring in management by facts resulting in enhanced and sustained performance. The difference that the employee needs to understand today is between ‘Available’ and ‘Desired’

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