Developing appropriate strategies for boundary cities’ sustainable development (The case: Boundary city Bane)

Author Name(s): Reza Mokhtari Malek-abadi1, Esmaeel Aliakbari, Bakhtiar khosravi
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Development’s new patterns are based on local development orbit and benefiting from spatiallocation varieties. So, nowadays, identification of capacities and abilities in line with access to this important affaire is placed at the center of development planner in different levels of geographical spaces. A brief look at country’s different areas especially urban sectors indicates this fact that many of development potential abilities and capabilities are actual and hidden with respect to spatial and structural varieties in the land area.One of the existing potential features in this field at the country’s spatial areas is revealing capacities of border areas development of provinces. If we consider borders and border locations as a positive factor and phenomenon in development, surely we will require attitude’s changes in approaches toward border areas’ role. Now we aim in this process research to response to this fundamental question that on which basis the development strategies in boundary city Bane are based and what are the considerable components? So, some strategies was offered and suggested respecting local realities as the most influential and development strategy among 158 by using determining items and indexes of urban sustainable development in the form of Likert spectrum and randomly through applying questionnaire and in the strategic planning framework and by means of swot technique in the framework of overview strategy framework.


Sustainable development, urban
sustainable development, strategic planning, border,
Kurdistan province.


Cities’ increasing expansion and the increase in their population have created many changes in their spatial and also social and economicstructures which these changes sometimes have been accompanied by inappropriate and negative consequences. In response to issues and crises due to such changes, some new concepts and approaches for future development were discussed which we can refer to environmental justice, smart development, etc. (Bartone et al -2003: 18). Posing sustainable development as the third millennium slogan will be due to the cities’ effects on the scope of biosphere and different dimensions of human life so that the discussion regarding sustainability and sustainable development through neglecting cities and urbanism will be meaningless. (HosseinZadehdalir et al –


Respecting research’s theoretical resources andconducted field studies, boundary situation has remarkable effect on boundary cities’ development in different fields and the research’s results also confirms this affair, so that in the most of the items
which have been posed by content of positive effects of boundary situation on cities’ development, the obtained averages are more than average levels. Boundary situations have left positive remarkable effects from the opinion of respondents. Of course, we should not neglect the negative effects such as presence of some crimes such as indecent relations, divorce increase, etc., the intention increase to leave
education among students, environment destruction and region’s natural environment because of boundary interactions and the expansion without city’s plan and destructing environment around the city which the respondents believe that these are the results of boundary situation.


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