Abstract Article is devoted to a problem of foreign students’ communicative competence development in Tatar receiving higher education in KFU and according to curricula learning Tatar in a certain volume. In recent years the teachers of IFMK of L. Tolstoy developed manuals for new generation foreign students’ training in Tatar on the basis of system […]
Abstract In this article the content of pilot study on the Techno R technology developed at the Kazan Federal University is stated. Authors showed specifics of use of the given technology in teaching Latin to form the language competence. Latin lost communicative function of a living language, but kept the cultural and educational value. Studying […]
Abstract In this article authors describe formation of the concept “soft power” and its place in the modern world. Authors come to a conclusion that tourism is that element of “the soft power” which can promote more effective and competent positioning of Russia as benevolent country. Today the tourism industry is a key milestone of […]