Ways of Improving the Park “Pribrezhny” In Naberezhnye Chelny

Author Name(s): Elvira G. Nabeeva, Renat I. Zamaletdinov, Maria A. Koshman, Rais I. Nizamov, Rinat R. Mingaliev
Author Email: i.ricinus@rambler.ru


Urbanization is associated not only with the growth of cities, but also with the development of their separate functional zones. This article is devoted to the possible ways of improving the city park “Pribrezhny” in Naberezhnye Chelny. Currently, the park “Pribrezhny” is one of the most important and largest natural objects of Naberezhnye Chelny; one of the cores for the development of city’s ecological framework. The authors propose a number of special measures, aimed at improving the park “Pribrezhny”. The implementation of these measures will ensure the improvement of the quality of physical, sanitary and hygienic, and visual-aesthetic comfort of the environment, with a commitment to maintaining the ecological balance; and this, in turn, will raise the general standard of living of the population. Preservation and ecological improvement of the park “Pribrezhny” will allow to design and successfully implement the ecological framework of Naberezhnye Chelny, and to ensure sustainable development of the entire urban area


The development of civilization is associated with the rapid growth of urban areas. This process is accompanied by the development of large cities with a parallel increase in environmental pollution near industrial and manufacturing centers, as well as the deterioration of the quality of life in regions beyond their borders [1].

At present, the network of urban settlements is formed in Russia. The territorial location of these cities and their functions were created under the influence of a combination of factors. Such factors are often called natural and climatic conditions. In some cases, the formation of cities is also conditioned by their narrow specialization, which is dictated by the role for the development of the country. Such cities are called monotowns.

At present, monotowns are one of the main elements of the cities network in Russia. So today, there are more than 900 city-forming enterprises in the monocities, which produce almost 30% of the country’s total industrial output.

As follows from the data of the scientific and methodological center “Goroda Rossii”, at least 500 out of 1097 cities are classified as monocities that is 45.6% of the total number of Russian cities [2]. Naberezhnye Chelny is a monocity, which was created as an industrial site for the production of heavy trucks.

As in other monocities of Russia, the problem of social well-being of the population is especially acute in Naberezhnye Chelny. It is known, that in large monotowns, social welfare decreases with the increase of city growth, and its growth rate.

Often, the high rate of cities growth does not allow to take full measures of social reorganization, accomplished through the planning and development of urban areas. All these measures should be aimed at increasing the attractiveness of the environment for human.

The main architectural and town-planning means for improving the environmental conditions of living in industrial cities are the following: the creation of corridors for the ventilation of urban areas; rational landscaping of sanitary protection zones; the increase in the level of greenery of urban areas; the creation of developed water and green systems of cities. The adoption of these measures contributes to the reduction of social tension [3].

Territorial development of the city’s natural framework, its natural surroundings is achieved by the increasing of green spaces network, extended elements of this system – greened footpaths, walking paths, bicycle trails with their territorial reference to specially protected natural areas. Also, it is achieved with the formation of ecological “axes”, taking into account the landscape dominants, the creation of guard plots, special structure of plantings, as well as water protection zones along the banks of rivers and reservoirs.

The implementation of ecological approach in city development is fully realized when planning and designing city parks. Parks play an important role in the development of the city’s ecological framework. City parks are necessary to create conditions for active and meaningful recreation of the city’s residents. Also, urban parks are the essential elements for the conservation of biological diversity [5] and the components of ecological framework.

The park “Pribrezhny” in Naberezhnye Chelny is an integral part of life and favorable development of the city. This article is the result of the development of measures for the advanced ecological improvement of the park’s territory.

The work was carried out at the Department of Environmental Engineering and Water Management of the Institute of Management, Economics and Finance of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University.


Parks in the city, as well as other green areas, are under the influence of various negative factors. The consequence of anthropogenic influence is industrial, household and trucking pollution. As a result, the processes in biogeocenosis, the structure and functioning of park are changing negatively.

All green zones experience anthropogenic pressure, so it is very important to monitor their condition and, if necessary, to carry out restorative measures.

The sustainable development of the territory to a large extent depends on the state of the natural resource potential and the ecological state of natural sites. So, the formation of natural and ecological framework of settlements is an urgent task.

Summarizing, it can be said, that the park “Pribrezhny” is one of the most important and largest natural sites in Naberezhnye Chelny. So, it is important to preserve and to improve its quality characteristics, as the core of the city’s natural and ecological framework.

At the moment, the park “Pribrezhny” is one of the most favorite places of the townspeople, where residents can connect with nature, find the opportunity to enjoy clean air, seclude from the hustle and bustle of the city. All this improves the quality of life in the city, especially taking into account the fact, that Naberezhnye Chelny is one of the monocities (industrial cities) in the Russian Federation.

Activities, aimed at improving the park “Pribrezhny” will ensure the improvement of the quality of physical, sanitary and hygienic, and visual-aesthetic comfort of the environment, with the commitment to maintaining a relative ecological balance; and this, in turn, will raise the general standard of living of the population. Therefore, the improvement of the park “Pribrezhny”, is an important task for the city.


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  6. Floristic description of the park “Pribrezhny”, 2015. http://euroasia-science.ru/biologicheskie-nauki/floristicheskoe-opisanie-parka-pribrezhnyj/#sthash.bsYVnh0J.dpuf.
  7. Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastral Records and Cartography. https://pkk5.rosreestr.ru/#x=11554711.454933215&y=10055441.599232892&z=3.
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