Categorical Apparatus of the Concept of the Biointellectual Sphere

Author Name(s): Sergey V. Smirnov, Ayziryak N. Tarasova
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The actualization of environmental problems, taking place in the conditions of modern society, sets the task to develop the conceptual foundations of the strategy for rational socio-biocoevolutionary development. This paper deals with the categorical conceptual approach to the concept of the biointellectual sphere. The author of the article characterizes biointellectual sphere as the sphere of the rational organization of life – the stage of the evolutionary development of the biosphere, in which the activity of man, as a creature having intellect, will be aimed at preserving the conditions for optimal functioning of organisms, that is, the elements of the natural organization of the biosphere whose geological activitypromotes co-storage of global parameters of the geographical envelope [1].At the heart of the concept of the biointellectual sphere are the ideas of the genetic and functional unity of the living and thinking substances as the elements of the biosphere, whose interaction ensures the stability of the homeostatic parameters of the geographic envelope. The stability of the homeostatic parameters of the geographical envelope is determined by the strategy of anthropobiosymbiotic interaction between the living and thinking substances. This strategy has the following form:

– The biosphere provides man with natural resources;

– A person creates conditions for the functioning of Life at the molecular and landscape-territorial levels (returning to the biosphere the elements necessary for the growth and development of organisms, preserving and reproducing the structure and composition of natural complexes, soil and mineral resources, etc.);

– Geological activity of living material provides global parameters of the biosphere (gas composition of the atmosphere, the chemism of oceanwaters, the intensity of the processes of sedimentation, etc.);

– The stability of global parameters of the biosphere forms the conditions for human life and activity.

The present article aims at characterizing the categorical conceptual apparatus of the concept of the biointellectual sphere needed for its essential definition and subsequent constitution


The development of the conceptual foundations of the strategy of rational socio-natural development dates back to the mid-20th century. It was that time, when our compatriot V.I. Vernadsky created a doctrine of the noosphere. Under the noosphere, he understood the stage of the evolutionary development of the biosphere, where man’s rational activity becomes the determining factor of its development. Later on, noospheric problems was covered in the writings of followers of V.I. Vernadsky: N.N. Moiseev, V.P. Kaznaheyev, A.D. Ursula, A.K. Adamov, A.I. Subetto and others.

The works of the thinkers listed above analyzed the evolutionary patterns of the formation of the noosphere associated with the growth of manifestation of the human mind in the biosphere [2]; the problems of evolution of man, living material, the universe as elements of a self-regulating cosmoplanetary system [3]; the features of the implementation of the pattern of controlled socio-natural evolution [4]; the system of ecological and moral imperatives necessary for realization of the co-evolution of man (society) and nature [5].

The analysis of the works of the representatives of the noospheric school makes it possible to talk about the so-called “noospheric model of the development of nature and society”. In this model, nature is characterized as the aggregate of material-substantial formations necessary to meet the material needs of society. Man is seen as a creature, who is able to manage nature through the achievements of science and technology.

In our opinion, this vision of the strategy of rational social and natural development is not entirely justified. This is determined by the following circumstances:

– The geological significance of living matter exceeds many times the scale of the geological activity of man;

– An element of the system (man), cannot control the very system (nature);

– The possibility of “managing the biosphere” requires knowledge of all the mechanisms of the functioning of the biosphere;

– Human intervention in the natural mechanisms of regulation of the biosphere (according to the principle of positive feedback) canleadtotheirdisbalanceandsubsequentdegradationofthehumanenvironment.

The necessity of solving these problems poses the task of further theoretical comprehension of the essential foundations of the model of rational socio-natural development. An analysis of the categorical conceptual apparatus of the concept of the biointellectual sphere is one of the stages in the realization of this task.


The materials of the conducted research can be applied for the purpose of developing and conceptual comprehending the models of rational sociopolitical interaction, including, for “filling” with the conceptual content of the so-called “sustainable development strategy of modern civilization”. The results of the research are promising for the development and improvement of training courses in ecology, social philosophy, philosophy of science and technology. The results of the presented study revealed a number of problems that need to be further developed. The most important of these are the problem of discovering the mechanisms of anthropobiosymbiotic interaction; comprehension of the strategy for the formation of anthropobiogeocenosis; the definition of the functions of the living material and thinking substance as the factors, the joint manifestation of which stabilizes the homeostatic parameters of the geographic envelope


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