An Empirical Study on Tendency & Behavior to use Information Systems (IS)

Author Name(s): Mohammadreza Rabiee Mandejin1*, Mohsen Davar Panahi
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Now a days, with the development and diversification of product and service organizations as well as the intense competition between them, are exposed to transformation the ultimate success and even survival of the organization depends to an organization’s ability to absorb and use information knowledge and new technology to create some kind of advantage in organization this shows the importance of factors influencing the behavior of its information systems. In this context, the aim of this study is the willingness to use information systems on the behavior of Iran’s National Oil Company to this end, 366 employees of the National Iranian Oil Company selected by simple random sampling method to respond to the questionnaire. Convergent and divergent validity of the questionnaire were approved and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach’s alpha test. The data obtained from the questionnaire was analyzed by partial least squares and the results showed that expectations of effort, social influence and tend to act on desire to affect the application of information systems at National Iranian Oil Company. Facilitating conditions and the willingness to use information systems has an impact on the behavior of information systems at the National Iranian Oil Company. Events variable modifies the willingness to use information systems and the behavior of the National Iranian Oil Company. Results also showed that expectations of performance willingness to use information systems do not affect the National Iranian Oil Company.


Now a days, with the development and diversification of product and service organizations as well as the intense competition between them, organizations are exposed to transformation the ultimate success and even survival of the organization to an organization’s ability to absorb and use information and knowledge, new technology depends to create some kind of advantage in the organization (Servant, 1390) Therefore, organizations are looking to create and manage appropriate information systems in order to obtain timely information and knowledge of new technologies and has published and use it to improve. Information system for collecting, processing, storing, analyzing and disseminating information presented for a particular purpose. Information system like any other systems with input and output. The system uses technologies such as computer inputs, processes, outputs via electronic networks or other system sends to users of other systems (Chohen, 2007).

Four main application of information systems include: Financial management and accounting, material control and inventory, receiving and order fulfillment, sales force automation (Dillon and CORYSE, 1996: 31, 3-32). So far, the private sector than the public sector in using information systems to achieve strategic advantage and to obtain financial benefits and business, was a pioneer but signs of a conservative approach in the use of public sector information systems also has emerged. In this regard, a dramatic expansion of information systems in organizations led modern systems with higher hardware to software applications, replaced their traditional information systems. Moreover, the advent of communication technologies such as the Internet, are effective in the results. These developments led organization to assess the effectiveness of their information systems data; therefore, at present, the tendency to use information systems, has been the focus of research which is important to show the importance of using information systems to improve its implementation in organizationsthat must have accurate information on the factors on which this study has taken steps in this direction.


Results from Analysis of the First Hypothesis

Performance expected has an impact on the use of information systems (IS) in the National Iranian Oil Company.

According to table 8 the first hypothesis examined. The results show the performance expected and valuable impact factor 0.074 with the value T=1.531has no significant impact on the willingness to use information systems (IS) in the National Iranian Oil Company. The result of the first hypothesis is not confirmed. Our results with the results of studies Khadem Hosseini (2011) is consistent.

Results from Analysis of the Second Hypothesis

Effort expected has an impact on tend to the use of information systems (IS) in the National Iranian Oil Company.

According to table 8 the second hypothesis examined. The results show the effort expected with impact factor 0.225 with the value T=5.246(P-Value=0.001) has positive and significant impact on the willingness to use information systems (IS) in the National Iranian Oil Company. The result of the second hypothesis was approved with 99.9% confidence. That is, for every one unit increase in variable efforts expect observe an increase in the tendency 0.225 to use information systems (IS) in the National Iranian Oil Company. Our result with the results of Brghsavar studies (2013) is consistent.

Results from Analysis of the Third Hypothesis

Social influence has an impact on tend to the use of information systems (IS) in the National Iranian Oil Company. According to table 8 the third hypothesis examined. The results show the social influence and with the impact factor 0.292 with the value T=6.787 (P-Value=0.001) has positive and significant impact on the willingness to use information systems (IS) in the National Iranian Oil Company. The result of the third hypothesis was approved with 99.9% confidence. That is, for every one unit increase in variable social influence observe an increase in the tendency 0.292 to use information systems (IS) in the National Iranian Oil Company. Our result with the results of Rezaeyan et al. studies (1386) is consistent.

Results from Analysis of the Forth Hypothesis

Willing to take action has an impact on tend to the use of information systems (IS) in the National Iranian Oil Company. According to table 8 the forthhypothesis examined. The results show the willing to take actionwith impact factor 0.495 with the value T=10.113((P-Value=0.001) has positive and significant impact on the willingness to use information systems (IS) in the National Iranian Oil Company. The results of the forth hypothesis was approved with 99.9% confidence. That is, for every one unit increase in variable willing to take action observe an increase in the tendency 0.459 to use information systems (IS) in the National Iranian Oil Company. Our result with the results of MohammadiTahroudi and Mohammadi Nejad studies (1386) is consistent.

Results from Analysis of the Fifth Hypothesis

Facilitate condition has an impact on tend to the use of information systems (IS) in the National Iranian Oil Company. According to table 8 the fifth hypothesis examined. The results show the willing facilitate condition with impact factor 0.415 with the value T=8.708 (P-Value=0.001) has positive and significant impact on the willingness to use information systems (IS) in the National Iranian Oil Company. The results of the fifth hypothesis was approved with 99.9% confidence That is, for every one unit increase in variable facilitate condition observe an increase in the tendency 0.459 to use information systems (IS) in the National Iranian Oil Company. Our result with the results of SaediKeshavarz studies (2007) is consistent.

Results from Analysis of the Sixth Hypothesis

Willing to apply IS has significant impact on users’ behavior in the National Iranian Oil Company. According to table 8 the sixth hypothesis examined. The results show willing to apply IS with impact factor 0.169 with the value T=3.469P-Value=0.001) has positive and significant impact on the on users’ behavior in the National Iranian Oil Company. The result of the sixth hypothesis was approved with 99.9% confidence. That is, for every one unit increase in variable willing to apply IS observe an increase in the tendency 0.169 to use information systems (IS) in the National Iranian Oil Company. Our result with the results of Ahmadi and et al. studies (2011) is consistent.

Results from Analysis of the Seventh Hypothesis

Variable events modify willingness to use information systems (IS) on the users’ behavior of the National Iranian Oil Company. According to table 8 the seventh hypothesis examined. The results show events with impact factor -0.110 with the value T=4.298 significantly modify willing to use information system on users’ behavior in the National Iranian Oil Company. The result of the seventh hypothesis was approved with 99.9% confidence. Our result with the results of Hossein Ali Pour and Shadmand studies (2008) is consistent.


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