Transforming Positive Attitude of Pre Service Teachers Towards Inclusive Education By Cooperative Learning Technology

Author Name(s): Albina M. Sharafieva, Iskander E. Yarmakeev, Rimma M. Akhmadullina, Nelly R. Valiakhmetova
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One of modern education tendencies is the active attention to questions of integration of health disability children in educational space of mass comprehensive school. In the way of this process there is a considerable quantity of problems among which often found negative attitude of the teacher to inclusive education. As a result of foreign and domestic scientific research study authors of article provide data on some barriers interfering with forming the positive relation of teachers to this type of education, carry out the theoretical analysis of the reasons of their emergence. According to authors, forming the positive relation to inclusive education has to be taught to future teachers at a stage of high school training by the corresponding substantial and technological support of this process. The main attention in article is paid to identification of cooperative training technology opportunities for the solution of the designated problem. On the example of discipline “Psychology and pedagogical bases of work with students with special educational needs” for students – the undergraduates studying in the Pedagogical education direction are described subjects of occupations, problem tasks within the studied subjects and the relevant most effective structures of the specified technology are compared. According to authors of article, the offered methodical recommendations can be useful to forming the positive relation of future teachers to inclusive education.


Problem Relevance

Research relevance is caused by special attention of the modern world community and the developed states to the people having health disability (DP). One of the current trends in aspect of this subject is realization of the inclusive education representing integration process of health disability children on educational Wednesday for training together with normally developing peers. Today the inclusive education is the priority direction of social and educational policy development of the majority of the leading countries of the world including Russia. The law “About Education in the Russian Federation” officially entered the concept “inclusive education” as ensuring equal access to education for all students taking into account a variety of special educational needs and individual opportunities and legislatively fixed inclusive practice in education. The special federal state standard is developed for children about DP which came into force in 2016.

Success of an inclusive education first of all is defined by readiness of teachers for realization of inclusive education. Its formation acts as a key problem of the Russian pedagogical education.

Explore Importance of the Problem

More than 21 thousand children are disabled, from them about 13 thousand – are of school age live in the Republic of Tatarstan. The contingent of such children in recent years steadily increases by 150 – 200 people. According to the developed concept of an inclusive education in social policy of the Republic of Tatarstan for 2015 – 2018 in the region actions for realization of the integrated training of children with DP in the conditions of comprehensive schools are carried out. So, in the republic 153 basic comprehensive schools at which since 2016 there began training about 189 children with DP are defined. In September, 2017 in Kazan 5 resource centers of inclusive education focused on children with frustration of autoimmune system will open. In this regard a key task is need of ensuring educational process by professionally trained teachers capable to organize inclusive approach today.

According to opinion of most of researchers’ success of inclusive education depends on the whole complex of pedagogical and psychological resources. Their number, in particular, includes professional competence of inclusive teachers; reorganization of system of preparation and professional maintenance of pedagogical shots; change of structure of curricula and space in a class for the purpose of satisfaction of requirements of all categories of children [1]. However, the fundamental factor influencing efficiency of inclusive education in our opinion is not only the level of competence, but also the positive relation of teachers to a phenomenon of inclusive training and disabled children, children with DP in general.

The purpose of this article – on the basis of the theoretical analysis of scientific research to establish the reasons interfering manifestation of the positive relation of teachers to realization of inclusive education and on this basis to show possibilities of cooperative training technology for the solution of this problem at a stage of vocational training of students.


Thus, as the theory and practice shows, that forming the positive relation to inclusive education at future teachers needs to be begun at a stage of high school training. In this case it is possible to avoid the further problems connected with their professional activity in the conditions of inclusive education, which became a steady tendency in modern Russia. The organization of special scientific research in the field of substantial filling and technological support of process of their vocational training is for this purpose necessary. The options of use of structures of cooperative technology of training offered in this work and also our recommendations can be useful to teachers of the higher school, the students dealing with a problem of forming readiness to carry out inclusive education.


The work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University


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